2021-09-15 22:27:44 -07:00

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Minifan layout

Compiled for: Hebrew

This file details the compile version #define BASE_HEBREW__DEF_BASE, BASE_HEBREW__ALT_BASE. This is a basic Hebrew layout, without niqqud.

Only the most common symbols are implemented. Hebrew symbols are all done in Unicode.

See also ./readme.md chapter 7 Language support.

Parenthesis/braces/etc direction seems to be dealt with at the computer side, depending on the surrounding symbols. The keyboard is printing these symbols unchanged from what they are in standard Latin layouts, and are represented that way in the manual.


You can compile the hebrew to be like a common Israeli layout, or to harmonize the punctuation symbols with either Dvorak or Qwerty. See the configuration file ./base_hebrew.h

☞ Israeli Hebrew

As close to a simple standard hebrew layout as possible. A little larger memory cost than the other options. No '" ASCII quotes symbols, but proper ׳ and ״ (in Unicode).

☞ Qwerty with Hebrew

The letters ת, ץ get displaced from the standard hebrew layout. Numerical layer is the same as standard Qwerty, except the symbol _ symbol becomes ־ (Maqaf). No ; symbol.

☞ Qwerty derivatives with Hebrew

It is adviced to use Qwerty with Hebrew in this case, and adjust by hand coding if needed. “Workman” should harmonize the same as Qwerty. Colemak displaces the “;:” key relative to Qwerty, therefore you may like to change the “:” shifted symbol (by hand). The obscurity of this use case gets extreme, there will not be options for this.

☞ Dvorak with Hebrew

The letter ק gets displaced from the standard hebrew layout. Numerical layer is the same as standard Dvorak. No ; symbol.

Flash memory cost

This layout adds several dozen new Unicode symbols, which takes up a certain amount of additional space in keyboard memory. If you end up going over the limit, you may need to change your compilation software setup, and/or you can look into the “Eviscerations” chapters in ./user_config.h

Hebrew keymaps

──────────Hebrew Israel────────

Minivan layout Image BASEdef-alt Layer: ..._BASE

Minivan layout Image NSYdef-alt Layer: ..._NSY

──────────in common────────────


──────────Hebrew Qwerty────────

Minivan layout Image BASEdef-alt Layer: ..._BASE

Minivan layout Image NSYdef-alt Layer: ..._NSY

──────────in common────────────


──────────Hebrew Dvorak────────

Minivan layout Image BASEdef-alt Layer: ..._BASE

Minivan layout Image NSYdef-alt Layer: ..._NSY (Same as Dvorak.)

──────────in common────────────


For more about the other layers, see ➡ readme.md

Minivan illustration Overview layers by key, Hebrew

Layers (text)

(The “x” padding was necessary to undo the direction of these characters being reversed. This layout might still not be represenetd correctly on your system. See the graphics instead.)

                                              | Right hand
     <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
     -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
     Tab+LCtlxxxשxxxxxדxxxxxג/RLMxכx₪xxxעxxxxx|xיxxxxxחxxxxxל/LRMxךxxxxxף:xxxxxxxxxxx,״ //Right-Left-Mark
     LSht+_PADxxזxxxxxסxxxxxבxxxxxהxxxxxנxxxxx|xמxxxxxצxxxxxת<xxxxץ>xxxx.?xxxxRSht+_FUN //<>os side flip?
         +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶

                                              | Right hand
     <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
     -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
     Tab+LCtlxxxשxxxxxדxxxxxג/RLMxכx₪xxxעxxxxx|xיxxxxxחxxxxxל/LRMxךxxxxxף:xxxxxxxxxxx'" //Right-Left-Mark
         +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶

     Layer _..._BASE (LeTteRs, standard Hebrew)
                                              | Right hand
     <pink2     <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring> pinky>pinky2>   // Keys by finger
     -o-                                     <|>                                    ... //-o- BASE access
     Tab+LCtlxxxשxxxxxדxxxxxג/RLMxכx₪xxxעxxxxx|xיxxxxxחxxxxxל/LRMxךxxxxxףxxxxxxxxxxxxx־ //Right/Left-Mark
         +_MOV⁵                               |                                   +_RAR⁶
 Left+LAlt Del;_ACC _DEF_NSY(_DRA)  Enter+_MOV| Space  _DEF_NSY(_DRA) RGUI    Right;_RAR 
           hold     hold₍₁,₂٭₎      hold      |        hold₍₁,₂٭₎             hold     // switch type
           hold₍₂₎  ^-┃-----------------------+--------^ ┃                          // ₁₎ both = _DRA
           ┗━━━_BON━━━╋┅───────────┄┄┄«or»┄┄┄─+─────────┅┛                          // ₂₎ both = _BON
 <1   ±    <2       <3              <4        | 4>     3>             2>   ±  1>    // Keys by number
      ^³                                                                   ^⁴   // Optional more keys
    (LGUI)                                                               (_MOV)

 ₁) Dual hold for _DRA, single hold for _DEF_NSY. Marked by: ^--…--^
 ₂) Hold key “<2” with either٭ key “<3” or “3>” for _BON, single hold “<2” for _ACC. Marked: ┗━━…━━┛
 ₃) 'South paw' hardware configuration. Configurable, default shown.
 ₄) 'Arrow' hardware configuration  Configurable, default shown.
 ₃ ₄) There are two more optional hardware keys, to make it easier to compile for
      a 12x12x12x11 or 12x12x12x12 layouts.
 ₅) Left Shift when pressed with another key. Medium long: to toggle _PAD. Long: toggle _MOV.
 ₆) Right shift when pressed with another key. medium long: to toggle _FUN. Long: toggle _RAR.
 ⁷) Letters marked with • are displaced from standard hebrew layout.

Remarks: The left modifiers have a slight delay in combination with an outside pointer device (mouse, stylus). It seems this will be difficult to fix, because it is spread over two devices. To avoid the ±0.2 second delay, activate a layer where the modifiers are direct (_PAD), using the layer toggle on left shift.

The two keys with ';' (Del;_ACC, Right;_RAR) do not auto-repeat on double tap, like QMK normal layer-tap keys. There is an uncluttered Delete on _PAD, an uncluttered Right arrow on the _MOV layer.

Holding both _DEF_NSY keys left and right of the "split space bar" (enter, space) results in layer _DRA.

Holding either one of the just above mentioned _DEF_NSY layer keys (<3 and 3>), with the _ACC layer key (on <2) results in layer _BON.

 Layer _..._NSY (Numbers and SYmbols)

                                  HEBREW_ISRAEL & HEBREW_QWERTY (_ becomes ־ Maqaf)
 <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
          -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
                                                      ^                       // Only difference with Qwerty
             Left+LAlt ___   ___   Ent  | .   ___   RGUI  Right+RAlt
                             -*-       <|>    -*-                        //(hold) Access on _DEF_BASE
               <1   ±  <2    <3    <4   | 4>  3>    2>  ± 1>  
                    ^                                   ^
                  (LGUI)                              (_MOV)

                                  HEBREW_DVORAK (Same as standard Dvorak)
 <pink2   <pinky<ring <middl<index<indx2| indx2>index>middl>ring>pin>pink2>
          -*-                          <|>                                  //(toggle) Access on _FUN
 BASE     !     @     #     $     %     | ^     &     *     (    )       Del
 Tab+LCtl 1!    2@    3#    4$    5%    | 6^    7&    8*    9(   0)  `~+RCtl
 -+LSht   [{    ]}    /?    \|    =+    | +     |     ?     {     }   ~+RSht 