FHA c75b52f94b Update keycodes.md
Precision on KC.APPLICATION position on the keyboard
2021-07-29 11:53:38 -07:00

232 lines
18 KiB

# Keys Overview
## [Basic Keys]
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC.NO` | |Ignore this key (NOOP) |
|`KC.TRANSPARENT` |`KC.TRNS` |Use the next lowest non-transparent key |
|`KC.A` | |`a` and `A` |
|`KC.B` | |`b` and `B` |
|`KC.C` | |`c` and `C` |
|`KC.D` | |`d` and `D` |
|`KC.E` | |`e` and `E` |
|`KC.F` | |`f` and `F` |
|`KC.G` | |`g` and `G` |
|`KC.H` | |`h` and `H` |
|`KC.I` | |`i` and `I` |
|`KC.J` | |`j` and `J` |
|`KC.K` | |`k` and `K` |
|`KC.L` | |`l` and `L` |
|`KC.M` | |`m` and `M` |
|`KC.N` | |`n` and `N` |
|`KC.O` | |`o` and `O` |
|`KC.P` | |`p` and `P` |
|`KC.Q` | |`q` and `Q` |
|`KC.R` | |`r` and `R` |
|`KC.S` | |`s` and `S` |
|`KC.T` | |`t` and `T` |
|`KC.U` | |`u` and `U` |
|`KC.V` | |`v` and `V` |
|`KC.W` | |`w` and `W` |
|`KC.X` | |`x` and `X` |
|`KC.Y` | |`y` and `Y` |
|`KC.Z` | |`z` and `Z` |
|`KC.N1` | |`1` and `!` |
|`KC.N2` | |`2` and `@` |
|`KC.N3` | |`3` and `#` |
|`KC.N4` | |`4` and `$` |
|`KC.N5` | |`5` and `%` |
|`KC.N6` | |`6` and `^` |
|`KC.N7` | |`7` and `&` |
|`KC.N8` | |`8` and `*` |
|`KC.N9` | |`9` and `(` |
|`KC.N0` | |`0` and `)` |
|`KC.ENTER` |`KC.ENT` |Return (Enter) |
|`KC.ESCAPE` |`KC.ESC` |Escape |
|`KC.BSPACE` |`KC.BSPC` |Delete (Backspace) |
|`KC.TAB` | |Tab |
|`KC.SPACE` |`KC.SPC` |Spacebar |
|`KC.MINUS` |`KC.MINS` |`-` and `_` |
|`KC.EQUAL` |`KC.EQL` |`=` and `+` |
|`KC.LBRACKET` |`KC.LBRC` |`[` and `{` |
|`KC.RBRACKET` |`KC.RBRC` |`]` and `}` |
|`KC.BSLASH` |`KC.BSLS` |`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
|`KC.SCOLON` |`KC.SCLN` |`;` and `:` |
|`KC.QUOTE` |`KC.QUOT` |`'` and `"` |
|`KC.GRAVE` |`KC.GRV`, `KC.ZKHK` |<code>&#96;</code> and `~`, JIS Zenkaku/Hankaku|
|`KC.COMMA` |`KC.COMM` |`,` and `<` |
|`KC.DOT` | |`.` and `>` |
|`KC.SLASH` |`KC.SLSH` |`/` and `?` |
|`KC.CAPSLOCK` |`KC.CLCK`, `KC.CAPS`|Caps Lock |
|`KC.F1` | |F1 |
|`KC.F2` | |F2 |
|`KC.F3` | |F3 |
|`KC.F4` | |F4 |
|`KC.F5` | |F5 |
|`KC.F6` | |F6 |
|`KC.F7` | |F7 |
|`KC.F8` | |F8 |
|`KC.F9` | |F9 |
|`KC.F10` | |F10 |
|`KC.F11` | |F11 |
|`KC.F12` | |F12 |
|`KC.PSCREEN` |`KC.PSCR` |Print Screen |
|`KC.SCROLLLOCK` |`KC.SLCK` |Scroll Lock |
|`KC.PAUSE` |`KC.PAUS`, `KC.BRK` |Pause |
|`KC.INSERT` |`KC.INS` |Insert |
|`KC.HOME` | |Home |
|`KC.PGUP` | |Page Up |
|`KC.DELETE` |`KC.DEL` |Forward Delete |
|`KC.END` | |End |
|`KC.PGDOWN` |`KC.PGDN` |Page Down |
|`KC.RIGHT` |`KC.RGHT` |Right Arrow |
|`KC.LEFT` | |Left Arrow |
|`KC.DOWN` | |Down Arrow |
|`KC.UP` | |Up Arrow |
|`KC.NUMLOCK` |`KC.NLCK` |Keypad Num Lock and Clear |
|`KC.KP_SLASH` |`KC.PSLS` |Keypad `/` |
|`KC.KP_ASTERISK` |`KC.PAST` |Keypad `*` |
|`KC.KP_MINUS` |`KC.PMNS` |Keypad `-` |
|`KC.KP_PLUS` |`KC.PPLS` |Keypad `+` |
|`KC.KP_ENTER` |`KC.PENT` |Keypad Enter |
|`KC.KP_1` |`KC.P1` |Keypad `1` and End |
|`KC.KP_2` |`KC.P2` |Keypad `2` and Down Arrow |
|`KC.KP_3` |`KC.P3` |Keypad `3` and Page Down |
|`KC.KP_4` |`KC.P4` |Keypad `4` and Left Arrow |
|`KC.KP_5` |`KC.P5` |Keypad `5` |
|`KC.KP_6` |`KC.P6` |Keypad `6` and Right Arrow |
|`KC.KP_7` |`KC.P7` |Keypad `7` and Home |
|`KC.KP_8` |`KC.P8` |Keypad `8` and Up Arrow |
|`KC.KP_9` |`KC.P9` |Keypad `9` and Page Up |
|`KC.KP_0` |`KC.P0` |Keypad `0` and Insert |
|`KC.KP_DOT` |`KC.PDOT` |Keypad `.` and Delete |
|`KC.KP_EQUAL` |`KC.PEQL` |Keypad `=` |
|`KC.F13` | |F13 |
|`KC.F14` | |F14 |
|`KC.F15` | |F15 |
|`KC.F16` | |F16 |
|`KC.F17` | |F17 |
|`KC.F18` | |F18 |
|`KC.F19` | |F19 |
|`KC.F20` | |F20 |
|`KC.F21` | |F21 |
|`KC.F22` | |F22 |
|`KC.F23` | |F23 |
|`KC.F24` | |F24 |
|`KC.LOCKING_CAPS` |`KC.LCAP` |Locking Caps Lock |
|`KC.LOCKING_NUM` |`KC.LNUM` |Locking Num Lock |
|`KC.LOCKING_SCROLL` |`KC.LSCR` |Locking Scroll Lock |
|`KC.KP_COMMA` |`KC.PCMM` |Keypad `,` |
|`KC.KP_EQUAL_AS400` | |Keypad `=` on AS/400 keyboards |
|`KC.LCTRL` |`KC.LCTL` |Left Control |
|`KC.LSHIFT` |`KC.LSFT` |Left Shift |
|`KC.LALT` | |Left Alt |
|`KC.LGUI` |`KC.LCMD`, `KC.LWIN`|Left GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
|`KC.RCTRL` |`KC.RCTL` |Right Control |
|`KC.RSHIFT` |`KC.RSFT` |Right Shift |
|`KC.RALT` | |Right Alt |
|`KC.RGUI` |`KC.RCMD`, `KC.RWIN`|Right GUI (Windows/Command/Meta key) |
|`KC.AUDIO_VOL_UP` |`KC.VOLU` |Volume Up |
|`KC.AUDIO_VOL_DOWN` |`KC.VOLD` |Volume Down |
|`KC.MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK` |`KC.MNXT` |Next Track (Windows) |
|`KC.MEDIA_PREV_TRACK` |`KC.MPRV` |Previous Track (Windows) |
|`KC.MEDIA_STOP` |`KC.MSTP` |Stop Track (Windows) |
|`KC.MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE` |`KC.MPLY` |Play/Pause Track |
|`KC.MEDIA_EJECT` |`KC.EJCT` |Eject (macOS) |
|`KC.MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD`|`KC.MFFD` |Next Track (macOS) |
|`KC.MEDIA_REWIND` |`KC.MRWD` |Previous Track (macOS) |
## [US ANSI Shifted Symbols]
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC.TILDE` |`KC.TILD` |`~` |
|`KC.EXCLAIM` |`KC.EXLM` |`!` |
|`KC.AT` | |`@` |
|`KC.HASH` | |`#` |
|`KC.DOLLAR` |`KC.DLR` |`$` |
|`KC.PERCENT` |`KC.PERC` |`%` |
|`KC.ASTERISK` |`KC.ASTR` |`*` |
|`KC.LEFT_PAREN` |`KC.LPRN` |`(` |
|`KC.PLUS` | |`+` |
|`KC.PIPE` | |<code>&#124;</code>|
|`KC.COLON` |`KC.COLN` |`:` |
|`KC.QUESTION` |`KC.QUES` |`?` |
## [International Keys]
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC.NONUS_BSLASH` |`KC.NUBS` |ISO Left of Return |
|`KC.INT1` |`KC.RO` | |
|`KC.INT2` |`KC.KANA` | |
|`KC.INT3` |`KC.JYEN` | |
|`KC.INT4` |`KC.HENK` | |
|`KC.INT5` |`KC.MHEN` | |
|`KC.INT6` | | |
|`KC.INT7` | | |
|`KC.INT8` | | |
|`KC.INT9` | | |
|`KC.LANG1` |`HAEN` | |
|`KC.LANG2` |`HAEJ` | |
|`KC.LANG3` | | |
|`KC.LANG4` | | |
|`KC.LANG5` | | |
|`KC.LANG6` | | |
|`KC.LANG7` | | |
|`KC.LANG8` | | |
|`KC.LANG9` | | |
## [Internal Keys]
|Key |Description |
|`KC.RESET` |Restarts the keyboard |
|`KC.DEBUG` |Toggle `debug_enabled`, which enables log spew to serial console |
|`KC.GESC` |Escape when tapped, <code>&#96;</code> when pressed with Shift or GUI|
|`KC.BKDL` |Backspace when tapped, Delete when pressed with GUI |
|`KC.UC_MODE_NOOP` |Sets UnicodeMode to NOOP |
|`KC.UC_MODE_LINUX` |Sets UnicodeMode to Linux |
|`KC.UC_MODE_MACOS` |Sets UnicodeMode to MocOS |
|`KC.UC_MODE_WINC` |Sets UnicodeMode to WinCompose |
|`KC.MACRO_SLEEP_MS(ms)`|Sleeps in a macro. Check MACROS for more information. |
## [Modifiers]
|Key |Description |
|`KC.HYPR` |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI |
|`KC.MEH` |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt |
|`KC.LCTL(kc)`|Hold Left Control and press `kc` |
|`KC.LSFT(kc)`|Hold Left Shift and press `kc` |
|`KC.LALT(kc)`|Hold Left Alt and press `kc` |
|`KC.LGUI(kc)`|Hold Left GUI and press `kc` |
|`KC.RCTL(kc)`|Hold Right Control and press `kc` |
|`KC.RSFT(kc)`|Hold Right Shift and press `kc` |
|`KC.RALT(kc)`|Hold Right Alt and press `kc` |
|`KC.RGUI(kc)`|Hold Right GUI and press `kc` |
## [Bluetooth Keys]
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`KC.BT_CLEAR_BONDS` |`KC.BT_CLR` |Clears all stored bondings |
|`KC.BT_NEXT_CONN` |`KC.BT_NXT` |Selects the next BT connection |
|`KC.BT_PREV_CONN` |`KC.BT_PRV` |Selects the previous BT connection|