
341 lines
11 KiB

"""Functions that help us work with Quantum Painter's file formats.
import math
import re
from string import Template
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
# The list of valid formats Quantum Painter supports
valid_formats = {
'rgb888': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888',
'bpp': 24,
'has_palette': False,
'num_colors': 16777216,
'image_format_byte': 0x09, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'rgb565': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565',
'bpp': 16,
'has_palette': False,
'num_colors': 65536,
'image_format_byte': 0x08, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'pal256': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_PALETTE',
'bpp': 8,
'has_palette': True,
'num_colors': 256,
'image_format_byte': 0x07, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'pal16': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_PALETTE',
'bpp': 4,
'has_palette': True,
'num_colors': 16,
'image_format_byte': 0x06, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'pal4': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_PALETTE',
'bpp': 2,
'has_palette': True,
'num_colors': 4,
'image_format_byte': 0x05, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'pal2': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_PALETTE',
'bpp': 1,
'has_palette': True,
'num_colors': 2,
'image_format_byte': 0x04, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'mono256': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE',
'bpp': 8,
'has_palette': False,
'num_colors': 256,
'image_format_byte': 0x03, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'mono16': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE',
'bpp': 4,
'has_palette': False,
'num_colors': 16,
'image_format_byte': 0x02, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'mono4': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE',
'bpp': 2,
'has_palette': False,
'num_colors': 4,
'image_format_byte': 0x01, # see qp_internal_formats.h
'mono2': {
'image_format': 'IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE',
'bpp': 1,
'has_palette': False,
'num_colors': 2,
'image_format_byte': 0x00, # see qp_internal_formats.h
license_template = """\
// Copyright ${year} QMK -- generated source code only, ${generated_type} retains original copyright
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
// This file was auto-generated by `${generator_command}`
def render_license(subs):
license_txt = Template(license_template)
return license_txt.substitute(subs)
header_file_template = """\
#pragma once
#include <qp.h>
extern const uint32_t ${var_prefix}_${sane_name}_length;
extern const uint8_t ${var_prefix}_${sane_name}[${byte_count}];
def render_header(subs):
header_txt = Template(header_file_template)
return header_txt.substitute(subs)
source_file_template = """\
#include <qp.h>
const uint32_t ${var_prefix}_${sane_name}_length = ${byte_count};
// clang-format off
const uint8_t ${var_prefix}_${sane_name}[${byte_count}] = {
// clang-format on
def render_source(subs):
source_txt = Template(source_file_template)
return source_txt.substitute(subs)
def render_bytes(bytes, newline_after=16):
lines = ''
for n in range(len(bytes)):
if n % newline_after == 0 and n > 0 and n != len(bytes):
lines = lines + "\n "
elif n == 0:
lines = lines + " "
lines = lines + " 0x{0:02X},".format(bytes[n])
return lines.rstrip()
def clean_output(str):
str = re.sub(r'\r', '', str)
str = re.sub(r'[\n]{3,}', r'\n\n', str)
return str
def rescale_byte(val, maxval):
"""Rescales a byte value to the supplied range, i.e. [0,255] -> [0,maxval].
return int(round(val * maxval / 255.0))
def convert_requested_format(im, format):
"""Convert an image to the requested format.
# Work out the requested format
ncolors = format["num_colors"]
image_format = format["image_format"]
# -- Check if ncolors is valid
# Formats accepting several options
valid = [2, 4, 8, 16, 256]
# Formats expecting a particular number
# Read number from specs dict, instead of hardcoding
for _, fmt in valid_formats.items():
if fmt["image_format"] == image_format:
# has to be an iterable, to use `in`
valid = [fmt["num_colors"]]
if ncolors not in valid:
raise ValueError(f"Number of colors must be: {', '.join(valid)}.")
# Work out where we're getting the bytes from
if image_format == 'IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE':
# If mono, convert input to grayscale, then to RGB, then grab the raw bytes corresponding to the intensity of the red channel
im = ImageOps.grayscale(im)
im = im.convert("RGB")
elif image_format == 'IMAGE_FORMAT_PALETTE':
# If color, convert input to RGB, palettize based on the supplied number of colors, then get the raw palette bytes
im = im.convert("RGB")
im = im.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=ncolors)
elif image_format in ['IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565', 'IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888']:
# Convert input to RGB
im = im.convert("RGB")
return im
def convert_image_bytes(im, format):
"""Convert the supplied image to the equivalent bytes required by the QMK firmware.
# Work out the requested format
ncolors = format["num_colors"]
image_format = format["image_format"]
shifter = int(math.log2(ncolors))
pixels_per_byte = int(8 / math.log2(ncolors))
bytes_per_pixel = math.ceil(math.log2(ncolors) / 8)
(width, height) = im.size
if (pixels_per_byte != 0):
expected_byte_count = ((width * height) + (pixels_per_byte - 1)) // pixels_per_byte
expected_byte_count = width * height * bytes_per_pixel
if image_format == 'IMAGE_FORMAT_GRAYSCALE':
# Take the red channel
image_bytes = im.tobytes("raw", "R")
image_bytes_len = len(image_bytes)
# No palette
palette = None
bytearray = []
for x in range(expected_byte_count):
byte = 0
for n in range(pixels_per_byte):
byte_offset = x * pixels_per_byte + n
if byte_offset < image_bytes_len:
# If mono, each input byte is a grayscale [0,255] pixel -- rescale to the range we want then pack together
byte = byte | (rescale_byte(image_bytes[byte_offset], ncolors - 1) << int(n * shifter))
elif image_format == 'IMAGE_FORMAT_PALETTE':
# Convert each pixel to the palette bytes
image_bytes = im.tobytes("raw", "P")
image_bytes_len = len(image_bytes)
# Export the palette
palette = []
pal = im.getpalette()
for n in range(0, ncolors * 3, 3):
palette.append((pal[n + 0], pal[n + 1], pal[n + 2]))
bytearray = []
for x in range(expected_byte_count):
byte = 0
for n in range(pixels_per_byte):
byte_offset = x * pixels_per_byte + n
if byte_offset < image_bytes_len:
# If color, each input byte is the index into the color palette -- pack them together
byte = byte | ((image_bytes[byte_offset] & (ncolors - 1)) << int(n * shifter))
if image_format == 'IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB565':
# Take the red, green, and blue channels
image_bytes_red = im.tobytes("raw", "R")
image_bytes_green = im.tobytes("raw", "G")
image_bytes_blue = im.tobytes("raw", "B")
image_pixels_len = len(image_bytes_red)
# No palette
palette = None
bytearray = []
for x in range(image_pixels_len):
# 5 bits of red, 3 MSb of green
byte = ((image_bytes_red[x] >> 3 & 0x1F) << 3) + (image_bytes_green[x] >> 5 & 0x07)
# 3 LSb of green, 5 bits of blue
byte = ((image_bytes_green[x] >> 2 & 0x07) << 5) + (image_bytes_blue[x] >> 3 & 0x1F)
if image_format == 'IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888':
# Take the red, green, and blue channels
image_bytes_red = im.tobytes("raw", "R")
image_bytes_green = im.tobytes("raw", "G")
image_bytes_blue = im.tobytes("raw", "B")
image_pixels_len = len(image_bytes_red)
# No palette
palette = None
bytearray = []
for x in range(image_pixels_len):
byte = image_bytes_red[x]
byte = image_bytes_green[x]
byte = image_bytes_blue[x]
if len(bytearray) != expected_byte_count:
raise Exception(f"Wrong byte count, was {len(bytearray)}, expected {expected_byte_count}")
return (palette, bytearray)
def compress_bytes_qmk_rle(bytearray):
debug_dump = False
output = []
temp = []
repeat = False
def append_byte(c):
if debug_dump:
print('Appending byte:', '0x{0:02X}'.format(int(c)), '=', c)
def append_range(r):
append_byte(127 + len(r))
if debug_dump:
print('Appending {0} byte(s):'.format(len(r)), '[', ', '.join(['{0:02X}'.format(e) for e in r]), ']')
for n in range(0, len(bytearray) + 1):
end = True if n == len(bytearray) else False
if not end:
c = bytearray[n]
if len(temp) <= 1:
if debug_dump:
print('Temp buffer state {0:3d} bytes:'.format(len(temp)), '[', ', '.join(['{0:02X}'.format(e) for e in temp]), ']')
if repeat:
if temp[-1] != temp[-2]:
repeat = False
if not repeat or len(temp) == 128 or end:
append_byte(len(temp) if end else len(temp) - 1)
temp = [temp[-1]]
repeat = False
if len(temp) >= 2 and temp[-1] == temp[-2]:
repeat = True
if len(temp) > 2:
append_range(temp[0:(len(temp) - 2)])
temp = [temp[-1], temp[-1]]
if len(temp) == 128 or end:
temp = []
repeat = False
return output