* [Keyboard] Add Hillside * Remove no longer used define, rename README * Rename to readme.md * Readme: Improve clarity, fix grammar and typos * Readme: Remove extra line pointing to QMK docs * Readme: Join consecutive source lines in .md * Readme: split lines, post spelling fix * Keymap: fix key label in readme
137 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
137 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020-2021 Pierre Viseu Chevalier, Michael McCoyd (@pierrechevalier83, @mmccoyd)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
"""Pretty print keymap json in more readable row/side organized format."""
import argparse
import json
import sys
from typing import NamedTuple
"""Print keymap json in row and side format, though as still re-readable json.
For example, for one layer:
["KC_TAB" , "KC_Q" , "KC_W" , "KC_E" , "KC_R" , "KC_T",
"KC_Y" , "KC_U" , "KC_I" , "KC_O" , "KC_P" , "KC_BSPC",
"KC_LCTL", "KC_A" , "KC_S" , "KC_D" , "KC_F" , "KC_G",
"KC_H" , "KC_J" , "KC_K" , "KC_L" , "KC_SCLN", "KC_QUOT",
"KC_LSFT", "KC_Z" , "KC_X" , "KC_C" , "KC_V" , "KC_B" , "KC_GRV",
"KC_ESC" , "KC_N" , "KC_M" , "KC_COMM", "KC_DOT" , "KC_SLSH", "KC_RSFT",
"KC_ENT" , "KC_LGUI", "KC_LALT", "MO(5)" , "MO(3)",
"MO(4)" , "KC_SPC" , "KC_LALT", "KC_RGUI", "KC_APP"
indent_level=4 # number of spaces of initial indent per output line
# The structure of the keymap
# [[Endpoint of sides with identical widths, side width, mapping to column],...]
KEYS_TO_COL = [[24, 6, lambda n: n % 6],
[38, 7, lambda n: (n - 24) % 7],
[48, 5, lambda n: (n - 38) % 5]]
LAST_KEY = KEYS_TO_COL[-1][0] - 1
def parse_cli():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Hillside keymap formatter')
parser.add_argument("--input", type=argparse.FileType('r'),
default=sys.stdin, help="Input keymap "
"(json file produced by qmk configurator)")
return parser.parse_args()
class Column(NamedTuple):
"""Column number within keymap side, if it ends side, and ends row.
Position within a keyboard row runs from 0 to n and again 0 to n"""
num: int
ends_side: bool
ends_row: bool
def get_col(key_index):
"""Return Column for key_index."""
for keys, num_cols, col_fn in KEYS_TO_COL:
if key_index < keys:
col_num = col_fn(key_index)
return Column(col_num,
ends_side=col_num == num_cols - 1,
ends_row=(keys - 1 - key_index) % (2 * num_cols) == 0)
def format_layers(layers):
formatted = indent_level * " " + "\"layers\": [\n"
# Find max key length per column
max_key_length = {}
for layer in layers:
for (index, keycode) in enumerate(layer):
col = get_col(index)
max_length = max_key_length.get(col.num)
if (not max_length) or len(keycode) > max_length:
max_key_length.update({col.num: len(keycode)})
# Format each layer
for (layer_index, layer) in enumerate(layers):
# Opening [
formatted += 2 * indent_level * " "
formatted += "["
# Split keys into pairs of left and right rows by key row length
for (index, keycode) in enumerate(layer):
col = get_col(index)
# Indent for rows past first
if col.num == 0 and index != 0:
formatted += (1 + 2 * indent_level) * " "
# Print key
formatted += json.dumps(keycode)
# End layer, or end side, or space to next key
if index == LAST_KEY:
formatted += "\n"
elif col.ends_side:
formatted += ",\n"
n_spaces = max_key_length[get_col(index).num] - len(keycode)
formatted += n_spaces * " "
formatted += ", "
# Split groups of row sides
if col.ends_row:
formatted += "\n"
# Closing ] with , or without
formatted += 2 * indent_level * " "
if layer_index < len(layers) - 1:
formatted += "],\n"
formatted += "]\n"
formatted += indent_level * " "
formatted += "]"
return formatted
def format_keymap(keymap_json):
formatted = "{"
for (index, k) in enumerate(keymap_json):
if k == "layers":
formatted += format_layers(keymap_json[k])
formatted += f"{indent_level * ' '}{json.dumps(k)}: {json.dumps(keymap_json[k])}"
if index < len(keymap_json) - 1:
formatted += ","
formatted += "\n"
formatted += "}"
return formatted
def main():
keymap_json = json.loads(args.input.read())