# Frequently Asked Keymap Questions

This page covers questions people often have about keymaps. If you haven't you should read [Keymap Overview](keymap.html) first.

## What Keycodes Can I Use?
See [Basic Keycodes](keycodes.html) and [Quantum Keycodes](quantum_keycodes.html) for most of the keys you can define.

Keycodes are actually defined in [common/keycode.h](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/blob/master/tmk_core/common/keycode.h).

## `KC_SYSREQ` isn't working
Use keycode for Print Screen(`KC_PSCREEN` or `KC_PSCR`) instead of `KC_SYSREQ`. Key combination of 'Alt + Print Screen' is recognized as 'System request'.

See [issue #168](https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/issues/168) and
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_request

## Power key doesn't work
Use `KC_PWR` instead of `KC_POWER` or vice versa.
- `KC_PWR` works with Windows and Linux, not with OSX.
- `KC_POWER` works with OSX and Linux, not with Windows.

More info: http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=14290.msg1327264#msg1327264

## Oneshot modifier
Solves my personal 'the' problem. I often got 'the' or 'THe' wrongly instead of 'The'.  Oneshot Shift mitgates this for me.

## Modifier/Layer stuck
Modifier keys or layers can be stuck unless layer switching is configured properly.
For Modifier keys and layer actions you have to place `KC_TRANS` on same position of destination layer to  unregister the modifier key or return to previous layer on release event.

- https://github.com/tmk/tmk_core/blob/master/doc/keymap.md#31-momentary-switching
- http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=57008.msg1492604#msg1492604
- https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/issues/248

## Mechanical Lock Switch Support

This feature is for *mechanical lock switch* like [this Alps one](http://deskthority.net/wiki/Alps_SKCL_Lock). You can enable it by adding this to your `config.h`:

After enabling this feature use keycodes `KC_LCAP`, `KC_LNUM` and `KC_LSCR` in your keymap instead.

Old vintage mechanical keyboards occasionally have lock switches but modern ones don't have. ***You don't need this feature in most case and just use keycodes `KC_CAPS`, `KC_NLCK` and `KC_SLCK`.***

## Input special charactors other than ASCII like Cédille 'Ç'
NO UNIVERSAL METHOD TO INPUT THOSE WORKS OVER ALL SYSTEMS. You have to define **MACRO** in way specific to your OS or layout.

See this post for example **MACRO** code.


On **Windows** you can use `AltGr` key or **Alt code**.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AltGr_key
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt_code

On **Mac** OS defines `Option` key combinations.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Option_key#Alternative_keyboard_input

On **Xorg** you can use `compose` key, instead.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key

And see this for **Unicode** input.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_input

## Apple/Mac keyboard Fn
Not supported.

Apple/Mac keyboard sends keycode for Fn unlike most of other keyboards.
I think you can send Apple Fn key using Apple venter specific Page 0xff01 and usage 0x0003. But you have to change HID Report Descriptor for this, of course.


## Media control keys in Mac OSX
#### KC_MNXT and KC_MPRV does not work on Mac
See https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/issues/195

## Keys supported in Mac OSX?
You can know which keycodes are supported in OSX from this source code.

`usb_2_adb_keymap` array maps Keyboard/Keypad Page usages to ADB scancodes(OSX internal keycodes).


And `IOHIDConsumer::dispatchConsumerEvent` handles Consumer page usages.


## JIS keys in Mac OSX
Japanese JIS keyboard specific keys like `無変換(Muhenkan)`, `変換(Henkan)`, `ひらがな(hiragana)` are not recognized on OSX. You can use **Seil** to enable those keys, try following options.

* Enable NFER Key on PC keyboard
* Enable XFER Key on PC keyboard
* Enable KATAKANA Key on PC keyboard


## RN-42 Bluetooth doesn't work with Karabiner
Karabiner - Keymapping tool on Mac OSX - ignores inputs from RN-42 module by default. You have to enable this option to make Karabiner working with your keyboard.

See these for the deail of this problem.

## Esc and `~ on a key

Use `GRAVE_ESC` or `KC_GESC` in your keymap. `GUI`+`GRAVE_ESC` results in `\`` and `SHIFT`+`GRAVE_ESC` results in `~`.

Note that this will break the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC shortcut to the Windows task manager. Use `#define GRAVE_ESC_CTRL_OVERRIDE` in your `config.h` to get the shortcut back. With this option, `ESC_GRAVE` results in `ESC` if `CTRL` is held, even if `SHIFT` or `GUI` are also held.

## Arrow on Right Modifier keys with Dual-Role
This turns right modifer keys into arrow keys when the keys are tapped while still modifiers when the keys are hold. In TMK the dual-role function is dubbed **TAP**.

#include "keymap_common.h"

/* Arrow keys on right modifier keys with TMK dual role feature
 *  https://github.com/tmk/tmk_core/blob/master/doc/keymap.md#213-modifier-with-tap-keydual-role
 *  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modifier_key#Dual-role_keys
const uint8_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
    /* 0: qwerty */
    [0] = KEYMAP( \
        ESC, 1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,   0,   MINS,EQL, NUHS,BSPC, \
        TAB, Q,   W,   E,   R,   T,   Y,   U,   I,   O,   P,   LBRC,RBRC,BSLS, \
        LCTL,A,   S,   D,   F,   G,   H,   J,   K,   L,   SCLN,QUOT,ENT,  \
        LSFT,NUBS,Z,   X,   C,   V,   B,   N,   M,   COMM,DOT, SLSH,FN0, ESC, \
        FN4, LGUI,LALT,          SPC,                     APP, FN2, FN1, FN3),
    [1] = KEYMAP( \
        GRV, F1,  F2,  F3,  F4,  F5,  F6,  F7,  F8,  F9,  F10, F11, F12, TRNS,TRNS, \
        TRNS,TRNS,TRNS,          TRNS,                    TRNS,FN7, FN6, FN8),

const uint16_t PROGMEM fn_actions[] = {


Dual-role key: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modifier_key#Dual-role_keys

## Eject on Mac OSX
`KC_EJCT` keycode works on OSX. https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/issues/250
It seems Windows 10 ignores the code and Linux/Xorg recognizes but has no mapping by default.

Not sure what keycode Eject is on genuine Apple keyboard actually. HHKB uses `F20` for Eject key(`Fn+f`) on Mac mode but this is not same as Apple Eject keycode probably.

## What's weak_mods and real_mods in action_util.c

real_mods is intended to retains state of real/physical modifier key state, while
weak_mods retains state of virtual or temprary modifiers which should not affect state real modifier key.

Let's say you hold down physical left shift key and type ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A), 

with weak_mods,
* (1) hold down left shift: real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (2) press ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): weak_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (3) release ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): waek_mods &= ~MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
real_mods still keeps modifier state.

without weak mods,
* (1) hold down left shift: real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (2) press ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (3) release ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): real_mods &= ~MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
here real_mods lost state for 'physical left shift'.

weak_mods is ORed with real_mods when keyboard report is sent.

## Timer functionality

It's possible to start timers and read values for time-specific events - here's an example:

static uint16_t key_timer;
key_timer = timer_read();

if (timer_elapsed(key_timer) < 100) {
  // do something if less than 100ms have passed
} else {
  // do something if 100ms or more have passed

It's best to declare the `static uint16_t key_timer;` at the top of the file, outside of any code blocks you're using it in.