# Welcome to my Keyboard Firmwares

## Keyboards Released by me:
  | Keyboard name    | MCU           | Layout       | Vendor ID | Product ID | Features                                     |
  | ---------------- | ------------- | ------------ | --------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------- |
  | Handwired K552   | STM32F103RCT6 | TKL          | 0x7516    | 0x5000     | Hotswap, RGB Underglow, OLED 128x32          |
  | Paws 60          | ATMEGA32U4    | 60%          | 0x7516    | 0x5001     | Hotswap                                      |

## Keyboards Completed has Collaboration with me:
  | Keyboard name      | MCU           | Layout       | Vendor ID | Product ID | Features                           |
  | ------------------ | ------------- | ------------ | --------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------- |
  | Lemon40            | ATMEGA32U4    | 40% Alice    | 0x7516    | 0x6000     | Solder, RGB Underglow, OLED 128x32 |
  | Caticorn (Solder)  | RP2040        | TKL          | 0x7516    | 0x6001     | Solder                             |
  | Caticorn (Hotswap) | RP2040        | TKL          | 0x7516    | 0x6002     | Hotswap                            |

## Keyboard Rewrited by me:
  | Keyboard name                                                                               | MCU           | Layout       | Vendor ID | Product ID | Features                                     |
  | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------ | --------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------- |
  | Black E6.5                                                                                  | ATMEGA32U4    | 65%          | 0x7516    | 0x7000     | Solder, Backlight, RGB Underglow             |
  | Devil68 Pro                                                                                 | ATMEGA32U4    | 65%          | 0x7516    | 0x7001     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix & Underglow              |
  | [IK75](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/blob/master/keyboards/feker/ik75)                | ATMEGA32U4    | 75% Exploded | 0xF2E7    | 0x1226     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix & Underglow, 1 Encoder   |
  | [Gas75](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/blob/master/keyboards/ml/gas75)                 | ATMEGA32U4    | 75% Exploded | 0xC0B0    | 0x6060     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix, 1 Encoder               |
  | [GG86](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/gopolar/gg86)              | ATMEGA32U4    | TKL          | 0x0007    | 0x0007     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix & Underglow, OLED 128x32 |
  | [KB16-01 (Rev 1)](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/doio/kb16/rev1) | ATMEGA32U4    | TKL          | 0xD010    | 0x1601     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix, 3 Encoder, OLED 128x32  |
  | [KB16-01 (Rev 2)](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/tree/master/keyboards/doio/kb16/rev2) | APM32F103CBT6 | TKL          | 0xD010    | 0x1601     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix, 3 Encoder, OLED 128x32  |
  | [M63 RGB](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/blob/master/keyboards/mss_studio/m63_rgb)     | STM32F072CBU6 | 60%          | 0x4D4B    | 0x6063     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix & Underglow              |
  | [M64 RGB](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware/blob/master/keyboards/mss_studio/m64_rgb)     | STM32F072CBU6 | 60%          | 0x4D4B    | 0x6064     | Hotswap, RGB Matrix & Underglow              |

## Contact me if you have any problem

**Discord:** HorrorTroll#0975
**Facebook:** https://www.facebook.com/PhamChonChe.Duc
**Email:** sonicvipduc@gmail.com