/* Copyright 2019 Yiancar This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include "quantum.h" #include "timer.h" #include "wait.h" #include "print.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "ch.h" #include "hal.h" static matrix_row_t matrix[MATRIX_ROWS]; static matrix_row_t matrix_debouncing[MATRIX_ROWS]; volatile uint16_t porta_buffer = 0; volatile uint16_t portb_buffer = 0; static uint32_t switch_buffer = 0; // Trigger on negative edge of any of the sense lines. static void extcb1(EXTDriver *extp, expchannel_t channel) { (void)extp; (void)channel; chSysLockFromISR(); porta_buffer = palReadPort(GPIOA); portb_buffer = palReadPort(GPIOB); //Disable further interrupts that might occur on same button press. extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,0); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,1); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,2); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,9); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,10); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,12); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,13); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,14); extChannelDisable(&EXTD1,15); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,0); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,1); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,2); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,9); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,10); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,12); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,13); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,14); extChannelEnable(&EXTD1,15); chSysUnlockFromISR(); } static const EXTConfig extcfg = { { {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOA, extcb1 }, //0 {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOA, extcb1 }, //1 {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOA, extcb1 }, //2 {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOA, extcb1 }, //9 {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOA, extcb1 }, //10 {EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL}, {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOB, extcb1 }, //12 {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOB, extcb1 }, //13 {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOB, extcb1 }, //14 {EXT_CH_MODE_FALLING_EDGE | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOB, extcb1 } //15 }, }; void matrix_init(void) { //Set I/O as pull-up inputs to read states setPinInputHigh(A0); setPinInputHigh(A1); setPinInputHigh(A2); setPinInputHigh(A3); setPinInputHigh(A4); setPinInputHigh(A5); setPinInputHigh(A6); setPinInputHigh(A7); setPinInputHigh(A8); setPinInputHigh(A9); setPinInputHigh(A10); setPinInputHigh(B3); setPinInputHigh(B4); setPinInputHigh(B5); setPinInputHigh(B6); setPinInputHigh(B7); setPinInputHigh(B8); setPinInputHigh(B9); setPinInputHigh(B11); setPinInputHigh(B12); setPinInputHigh(B13); setPinInputHigh(B14); setPinInputHigh(B15); memset(matrix, 0, MATRIX_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t)); memset(matrix_debouncing, 0, MATRIX_ROWS * sizeof(matrix_row_t)); matrix_init_quantum(); //Start interrupt driver extStart(&EXTD1, &extcfg); } uint8_t matrix_scan(void) { switch_buffer = ((uint32_t)(porta_buffer & 0x7FF)) | ((uint32_t)(portb_buffer & 0x3F8) << 8); switch (switch_buffer) { case 0x1134E: matrix[0] = 0x01; break; case 0x3774D: matrix[0] = 0x02; break; case 0x10BCC: matrix[0] = 0x04; break; case 0x16B4B: matrix[0] = 0x08; break; case 0x167CA: matrix[0] = 0x10; break; case 0x35FC9: matrix[0] = 0x20; break; case 0x15B48: matrix[0] = 0x40; break; case 0x28347: matrix[0] = 0x80; break; case 0x173C6: matrix[0] = 0x100; break; case 0x143CF: matrix[0] = 0x200; break; case 0x3FDC5: matrix[0] = 0x400; break; case 0x3FD21: matrix[0] = 0x800; break; case 0x3FD77: matrix[0] = 0x1000; break; case 0x3FD72: matrix[0] = 0x2000; break; //Special pin case 0x3E7FA: matrix[0] = 0x8000; break; case 0x183EE: matrix[0] = 0x10000; break; case 0x197F3: matrix[0] = 0x20000; break; case 0x1AB7E: matrix[0] = 0x40000; break; case 0x107C3: matrix[1] = 0x01; break; case 0x3FD2E: matrix[1] = 0x02; break; case 0x3FD28: matrix[1] = 0x04; break; case 0x3FD3A: matrix[1] = 0x08; break; case 0x3FD2D: matrix[1] = 0x10; break; case 0x3FD2B: matrix[1] = 0x20; break; case 0x3FDA5: matrix[1] = 0x40; break; case 0x3FDAA: matrix[1] = 0x80; break; case 0x3FD36: matrix[1] = 0x100; break; case 0x3FD30: matrix[1] = 0x200; break; case 0x3FDAF: matrix[1] = 0x400; break; case 0x3FD22: matrix[1] = 0x800; break; case 0x157D4: matrix[1] = 0x1000; break; //Does not exist in matrix //Special pin case 0x1C778: matrix[1] = 0x8000; break; case 0x387ED: matrix[1] = 0x10000; break; case 0x19B74: matrix[1] = 0x20000; break; case 0x3FD7D: matrix[1] = 0x40000; break; //Special pin case 0x3FDBE: matrix[2] = 0x02; break; case 0x3FDAC: matrix[2] = 0x04; break; case 0x3FDBB: matrix[2] = 0x08; break; case 0x3FD39: matrix[2] = 0x10; break; case 0x3FDB8: matrix[2] = 0x20; break; case 0x3FDB7: matrix[2] = 0x40; break; case 0x3FD35: matrix[2] = 0x80; break; case 0x3FDB4: matrix[2] = 0x100; break; case 0x3FD33: matrix[2] = 0x200; break; case 0x3FDA3: matrix[2] = 0x400; break; case 0x3FD24: matrix[2] = 0x800; break; case 0x0FFDB: matrix[2] = 0x1000; break; case 0x3FDF5: matrix[2] = 0x2000; break; case 0x3FDFF: matrix[2] = 0x4000; break; case 0x3C3E4: matrix[2] = 0x8000; break; case 0x38B6C: matrix[2] = 0x10000; break; case 0x39FF6: matrix[2] = 0x20000; break; case 0x3FDFC: matrix[2] = 0x40000; break; //Special pin case 0x3FDA6: matrix[3] = 0x02; break; case 0x3FD27: matrix[3] = 0x04; break; case 0x3FD3C: matrix[3] = 0x08; break; case 0x3FDA9: matrix[3] = 0x10; break; case 0x3FDBD: matrix[3] = 0x20; break; case 0x3FDB1: matrix[3] = 0x40; break; case 0x3FDB2: matrix[3] = 0x80; break; case 0x30353: matrix[3] = 0x100; break; case 0x37BD1: matrix[3] = 0x200; break; case 0x363D2: matrix[3] = 0x400; break; case 0x3FD5F: matrix[3] = 0x800; break; //Does not exist in matrix //Does not exist in matrix //Special pin case 0x1BF00: matrix[3] = 0x8000; break; case 0x18FEB: matrix[3] = 0x10000; break; case 0x3FF69: matrix[3] = 0x20000; break; case 0x3A37B: matrix[3] = 0x40000; break; default: if ((portb_buffer & 0x1000) == 0) { matrix[1] = 0x4000; break; } if ((portb_buffer & 0x2000) == 0) { matrix[3] = 0x4000; break; } if ((portb_buffer & 0x4000) == 0) { matrix[0] = 0x4000; break; } if ((portb_buffer & 0x8000) == 0) { matrix[2] = 0x01; break; } matrix[0] = 0x00; matrix[1] = 0x00; matrix[2] = 0x00; matrix[3] = 0x00; } //Special case for Shift if (readPin(B11) == 0) { matrix[3] |= 0x01; } porta_buffer = 65535; portb_buffer = 65535; matrix_scan_quantum(); return 1; } matrix_row_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row) { return matrix[row]; } void matrix_print(void) { } __attribute__ ((weak)) void matrix_init_kb(void) { matrix_init_user(); } __attribute__ ((weak)) void matrix_scan_kb(void) { matrix_scan_user(); } __attribute__ ((weak)) void matrix_init_user(void) { } __attribute__ ((weak)) void matrix_scan_user(void) { }