2022-10-13 05:06:18 +02:00
"keyboard": "splitkb/aurora/sweep",
"keymap": "default",
"version": 1,
"layout": "LAYOUT",
"layers": [
"KC_Q" , "KC_W" , "KC_E" , "KC_R" , "KC_T" , "KC_Y" , "KC_U" , "KC_I" , "KC_O" , "KC_P",
"LSFT_T(KC_A)", "LT(5,KC_S)" , "LT(1,KC_D)" , "LT(3,KC_F)" , "KC_G" , "KC_H" , "LT(4,KC_J)" , "LT(2,KC_K)" , "LT(6,KC_L)" , "LSFT_T(KC_SCLN)",
"KC_Z" , "LCTL_T(KC_X)", "LALT_T(KC_C)" , "KC_V" , "KC_B" , "KC_N" , "KC_M" , "LALT_T(KC_COMM)", "LCTL_T(KC_DOT)", "KC_SLSH",
"KC_P0" , "KC_BSPC" , "LT(7,KC_SPC)" , "KC_P1"
"RGB_TOG" , "RGB_MOD" , "RGB_HUI" , "RGB_SAI" , "RGB_VAI" , "RGB_SPI" , "KC_BTN1" , "KC_WH_U" , "KC_BTN2" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_BTN2" , "KC_NO" , "KC_BTN1" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_MS_L" , "KC_MS_D" , "KC_MS_U" , "KC_MS_R",
"KC_TRNS" , "RGB_RMOD" , "RGB_HUD" , "RGB_SAD" , "RGB_VAD" , "RGB_SPD" , "KC_WH_L" , "KC_WH_D" , "KC_WH_R" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_CIRC" , "KC_ASTR" , "KC_AMPR" , "KC_NO" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_HASH" , "KC_TILD" , "KC_SLSH" , "KC_DQUO" , "KC_DLR",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_COLN" , "KC_LT" , "KC_GT" , "KC_SCLN" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_LCBR" , "KC_RCBR" , "KC_LPRN" , "KC_RPRN" , "KC_AT" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_NO" , "KC_EQL" , "KC_PLUS" , "KC_PERC",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_F7" , "KC_F8" , "KC_F9" , "KC_F10",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_NO" , "LCTL(KC_LALT)" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_F4" , "KC_F5" , "KC_F6" , "KC_F11",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_F1" , "KC_F2" , "KC_F3" , "KC_F12",
"KC_PSLS" , "KC_7" , "KC_8" , "KC_9" , "KC_PPLS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_0" , "KC_1" , "KC_2" , "KC_3" , "KC_PMNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_NO" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_PAST" , "KC_4" , "KC_5" , "KC_6" , "KC_PEQL" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_COLN" , "KC_ESC" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_DEL",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_PERC" , "KC_SLSH" , "KC_ENT" , "KC_TRNS" , "DF(1)" , "KC_LGUI" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS" , "KC_TRNS",
"KC_TRNS" , "KC_TAB" , "KC_NO" , "KC_TRNS"
"config": {
2022-10-27 17:01:17 +02:00
// Support for OLED, RGB, and encoders is already enabled
// by default on the revision level, but we repeat it here
// to make clear that you can disable them to save space.
2022-10-13 05:06:18 +02:00
"features": {
"oled": true,
"rgb_matrix": true,
"rgblight": false
"encoder": {
"enabled": true
"rgblight": {
"hue_steps": 8,
"saturation_steps": 8,
"brightness_steps": 8,
"sleep": true
"mouse_key": {
"enabled": true,
// Set the mouse settings to a comfortable speed/accuracy trade-off,
// assuming a screen refresh rate of 60 Htz or higher
// The default is 50. This makes the mouse ~3 times faster and more accurate
"interval": 16,
// The default is 20. Since we made the mouse about 3 times faster with the previous setting,
// give it more time to accelerate to max speed to retain precise control over short distances.
"time_to_max": 40,
// The default is 300. Let's try and make this as low as possible while keeping the cursor responsive
"delay": 100,
// It makes sense to use the same delay for the mouseweel
"wheel_delay": 100
// Pick good defaults for enabling homerow modifiers
"tapping": {
"term": 200,
"permissive_hold": true,
"ignore_mod_tap_interrupt": true,
"force_hold": true