2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
// Copyright 2021 Nick Brassel (@tzarc)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# include <quantum.h>
# include <utf8.h>
# include "qp_internal.h"
# include "qp_draw.h"
# include "qp_comms.h"
# include "qff.h"
// QFF font handles
typedef struct qff_font_handle_t {
painter_font_desc_t base ;
bool validate_ok ;
bool has_ascii_table ;
uint16_t num_unicode_glyphs ;
uint8_t bpp ;
bool has_palette ;
painter_compression_t compression_scheme ;
union {
qp_stream_t stream ;
qp_memory_stream_t mem_stream ;
qp_file_stream_t file_stream ;
} ;
bool owns_buffer ;
void * buffer ;
} qff_font_handle_t ;
static qff_font_handle_t font_descriptors [ QUANTUM_PAINTER_NUM_FONTS ] = { 0 } ;
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
// Helper: load font from stream
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
static painter_font_handle_t qp_load_font_internal ( bool ( * stream_factory ) ( qff_font_handle_t * font , void * arg ) , void * arg ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: entry \n " ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
qff_font_handle_t * font = NULL ;
// Find a free slot
for ( int i = 0 ; i < QUANTUM_PAINTER_NUM_FONTS ; + + i ) {
if ( ! font_descriptors [ i ] . validate_ok ) {
font = & font_descriptors [ i ] ;
break ;
// Drop out if not found
if ( ! font ) {
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: fail (no free slot) \n " ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
return NULL ;
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
if ( ! stream_factory ( font , arg ) ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: fail (could not create stream) \n " ) ;
return NULL ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
// Now that we know the length, validate the input data
if ( ! qff_validate_stream ( & font - > stream ) ) {
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: fail (failed validation) \n " ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
return NULL ;
// Clear out any existing data
font - > owns_buffer = false ;
font - > buffer = NULL ;
void * ram_buffer = malloc ( font - > mem_stream . length ) ;
if ( ram_buffer = = NULL ) {
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: could not allocate enough RAM for font, falling back to original \n " ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
} else {
do {
// Copy the data into RAM
if ( qp_stream_read ( ram_buffer , 1 , font - > mem_stream . length , & font - > mem_stream ) ! = font - > mem_stream . length ) {
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: could not copy from flash to RAM, falling back to original \n " ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
break ;
// Create the new stream with the new buffer
font - > buffer = ram_buffer ;
font - > owns_buffer = true ;
font - > mem_stream = qp_make_memory_stream ( font - > buffer , font - > mem_stream . length ) ;
} while ( 0 ) ;
// Free the buffer if we were unable to recreate the RAM copy.
if ( ram_buffer ! = NULL & & ! font - > owns_buffer ) {
free ( ram_buffer ) ;
// Read the info (parsing already successful above, no need to check return value)
qff_read_font_descriptor ( & font - > stream , & font - > base . line_height , & font - > has_ascii_table , & font - > num_unicode_glyphs , & font - > bpp , & font - > has_palette , & font - > compression_scheme , NULL ) ;
if ( ! qp_internal_bpp_capable ( font - > bpp ) ) {
2023-01-14 04:24:54 -06:00
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: fail (image bpp too high (%d), check QUANTUM_PAINTER_SUPPORTS_256_PALETTE or QUANTUM_PAINTER_SUPPORTS_NATIVE_COLORS) \n " , ( int ) font - > bpp ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
qp_close_font ( ( painter_font_handle_t ) font ) ;
return NULL ;
// Validation success, we can return the handle
font - > validate_ok = true ;
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
qp_dprintf ( " qp_load_font: ok \n " ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
return ( painter_font_handle_t ) font ;
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
// Quantum Painter External API: qp_load_font_mem
static inline bool font_mem_stream_factory ( qff_font_handle_t * font , void * arg ) {
void * buffer = arg ;
// Assume we can read the graphics descriptor
font - > mem_stream = qp_make_memory_stream ( buffer , sizeof ( qff_font_descriptor_v1_t ) ) ;
// Update the length of the stream to match, and rewind to the start
font - > mem_stream . length = qff_get_total_size ( & font - > stream ) ;
font - > mem_stream . position = 0 ;
return true ;
painter_font_handle_t qp_load_font_mem ( const void * buffer ) {
return qp_load_font_internal ( font_mem_stream_factory , ( void * ) buffer ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
// Quantum Painter External API: qp_close_font
bool qp_close_font ( painter_font_handle_t font ) {
qff_font_handle_t * qff_font = ( qff_font_handle_t * ) font ;
if ( ! qff_font - > validate_ok ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_close_font: fail (invalid font) \n " ) ;
return false ;
// Nuke the buffer, if required
if ( qff_font - > owns_buffer ) {
free ( qff_font - > buffer ) ;
qff_font - > buffer = NULL ;
qff_font - > owns_buffer = false ;
// Free up this font for use elsewhere.
2022-09-19 07:30:08 +10:00
qp_stream_close ( & qff_font - > stream ) ;
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
qff_font - > validate_ok = false ;
return true ;
// Helpers
// Callback to be invoked for each codepoint detected in the UTF8 input string
typedef bool ( * code_point_handler ) ( qff_font_handle_t * qff_font , uint32_t code_point , uint8_t width , uint8_t height , void * cb_arg ) ;
// Helper that sets up the palette (if required) and returns the offset in the stream that the data starts
static inline bool qp_drawtext_prepare_font_for_render ( painter_device_t device , qff_font_handle_t * qff_font , qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888 , qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888 , uint32_t * data_offset ) {
struct painter_driver_t * driver = ( struct painter_driver_t * ) device ;
// Drop out if we can't actually place the data we read out anywhere
if ( ! data_offset ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to prepare stream for read, output info buffer unavailable \n " ) ;
return false ;
// Work out where we're reading from
uint32_t offset = sizeof ( qff_font_descriptor_v1_t ) ;
if ( qff_font - > has_ascii_table ) {
offset + = sizeof ( qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t ) ;
if ( qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs > 0 ) {
offset + = sizeof ( qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t ) + ( qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs * 6 ) ;
// Handle palette if needed
const uint16_t palette_entries = 1u < < qff_font - > bpp ;
bool needs_pixconvert = false ;
if ( qff_font - > has_palette ) {
// If this font has a palette, we need to read it out and set up the pixel lookup table
qp_stream_setpos ( & qff_font - > stream , offset ) ;
if ( ! qp_internal_load_qgf_palette ( & qff_font - > stream , qff_font - > bpp ) ) {
return false ;
// Skip this block, as far as offset calculations go
offset + = sizeof ( qgf_palette_v1_t ) + ( palette_entries * 3 ) ;
needs_pixconvert = true ;
} else {
// Interpolate from fg/bg
int16_t palette_entries = 1 < < qff_font - > bpp ;
needs_pixconvert = qp_internal_interpolate_palette ( fg_hsv888 , bg_hsv888 , palette_entries ) ;
if ( needs_pixconvert ) {
// Convert the palette to native format
if ( ! driver - > driver_vtable - > palette_convert ( device , palette_entries , qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table ) ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (could not convert pixels to native) \n " ) ;
qp_comms_stop ( device ) ;
return false ;
* data_offset = offset ;
return true ;
static inline bool qp_drawtext_prepare_glyph_for_render ( qff_font_handle_t * qff_font , uint32_t code_point , uint8_t * width ) {
if ( code_point > = 0x20 & & code_point < 0x7F & & qff_font - > has_ascii_table ) {
// Do ascii table
qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t glyph_info ;
uint32_t glyph_info_offset = sizeof ( qff_font_descriptor_v1_t ) // Skip the font descriptor
+ sizeof ( qgf_block_header_v1_t ) // Skip the ascii table header
+ ( code_point - 0x20 ) * sizeof ( qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t ) ; // Jump direct to the data offset based on the glyph index
if ( qp_stream_setpos ( & qff_font - > stream , glyph_info_offset ) < 0 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to set stream position while reading ascii glyph info \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( qp_stream_read ( & glyph_info , sizeof ( qff_ascii_glyph_v1_t ) , 1 , & qff_font - > stream ) ! = 1 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to read glyph info \n " ) ;
return false ;
uint8_t glyph_width = ( uint8_t ) ( glyph_info . value & QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_MASK ) ;
uint32_t glyph_offset = ( ( glyph_info . value & QFF_GLYPH_OFFSET_MASK ) > > QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_BITS ) ;
uint32_t data_offset = sizeof ( qff_font_descriptor_v1_t ) // Skip the font descriptor
2023-05-07 00:53:14 +10:00
+ ( qff_font - > has_ascii_table ? sizeof ( qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t ) : 0 ) // Skip the ascii table
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
+ ( qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs > 0 ? ( sizeof ( qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t ) + ( qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs * sizeof ( qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t ) ) ) : 0 ) // Skip the unicode table
+ ( qff_font - > has_palette ? ( sizeof ( qgf_palette_v1_t ) + ( ( 1 < < qff_font - > bpp ) * sizeof ( qgf_palette_entry_v1_t ) ) ) : 0 ) // Skip the palette
+ sizeof ( qgf_block_header_v1_t ) // Skip the data block header
+ glyph_offset ; // Jump to the specified glyph offset
if ( qp_stream_setpos ( & qff_font - > stream , data_offset ) < 0 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to set stream position while preparing ascii glyph data \n " ) ;
return false ;
* width = glyph_width ;
return true ;
} else {
// Do unicode table, which may include singular ascii glyphs if full ascii table isn't specified
uint32_t glyph_info_offset = sizeof ( qff_font_descriptor_v1_t ) // Skip the font descriptor
+ ( qff_font - > has_ascii_table ? sizeof ( qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t ) : 0 ) // Skip the ascii table
+ sizeof ( qgf_block_header_v1_t ) ; // Skip the unicode block header
if ( qp_stream_setpos ( & qff_font - > stream , glyph_info_offset ) < 0 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to set stream position while preparing glyph data \n " ) ;
return false ;
qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t glyph_info ;
for ( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs ; + + i ) {
if ( qp_stream_read ( & glyph_info , sizeof ( qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t ) , 1 , & qff_font - > stream ) ! = 1 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to set stream position while reading unicode glyph info \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( glyph_info . code_point = = code_point ) {
uint8_t glyph_width = ( uint8_t ) ( glyph_info . value & QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_MASK ) ;
uint32_t glyph_offset = ( ( glyph_info . value & QFF_GLYPH_OFFSET_MASK ) > > QFF_GLYPH_WIDTH_BITS ) ;
uint32_t data_offset = sizeof ( qff_font_descriptor_v1_t ) // Skip the font descriptor
2023-05-07 00:53:14 +10:00
+ ( qff_font - > has_ascii_table ? sizeof ( qff_ascii_glyph_table_v1_t ) : 0 ) // Skip the ascii table
2022-04-13 18:00:18 +10:00
+ ( qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs > 0 ? ( sizeof ( qff_unicode_glyph_table_v1_t ) + ( qff_font - > num_unicode_glyphs * sizeof ( qff_unicode_glyph_v1_t ) ) ) : 0 ) // Skip the unicode table
+ ( qff_font - > has_palette ? ( sizeof ( qgf_palette_v1_t ) + ( ( 1 < < qff_font - > bpp ) * sizeof ( qgf_palette_entry_v1_t ) ) ) : 0 ) // Skip the palette
+ sizeof ( qgf_block_header_v1_t ) // Skip the data block header
+ glyph_offset ; // Jump to the specified glyph offset
if ( qp_stream_setpos ( & qff_font - > stream , data_offset ) < 0 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to set stream position while preparing unicode glyph data \n " ) ;
return false ;
* width = glyph_width ;
return true ;
// Not found
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to find unicode glyph info \n " ) ;
return false ;
return false ;
// Function to iterate over each UTF8 codepoint, invoking the callback for each decoded glyph
static inline bool qp_iterate_code_points ( qff_font_handle_t * qff_font , const char * str , code_point_handler handler , void * cb_arg ) {
while ( * str ) {
int32_t code_point = 0 ;
str = decode_utf8 ( str , & code_point ) ;
if ( code_point < 0 ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Invalid unicode code point decoded. Cannot render. \n " ) ;
return false ;
uint8_t width ;
if ( ! qp_drawtext_prepare_glyph_for_render ( qff_font , code_point , & width ) ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to prepare glyph for rendering. \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! handler ( qff_font , code_point , width , qff_font - > base . line_height , cb_arg ) ) {
qp_dprintf ( " Failed to execute glyph handler. \n " ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
// String width calculation
// Callback state
struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state {
int16_t width ;
} ;
// Codepoint handler callback: width calc
static inline bool qp_font_code_point_handler_calcwidth ( qff_font_handle_t * qff_font , uint32_t code_point , uint8_t width , uint8_t height , void * cb_arg ) {
struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state * state = ( struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state * ) cb_arg ;
// Increment the overall width by this glyph's width
state - > width + = width ;
return true ;
// String drawing implementation
// Callback state
struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state {
painter_device_t device ;
int16_t xpos ;
int16_t ypos ;
qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback ;
struct qp_internal_byte_input_state * input_state ;
struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state * output_state ;
} ;
// Codepoint handler callback: drawing
static inline bool qp_font_code_point_handler_drawglyph ( qff_font_handle_t * qff_font , uint32_t code_point , uint8_t width , uint8_t height , void * cb_arg ) {
struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state * state = ( struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state * ) cb_arg ;
struct painter_driver_t * driver = ( struct painter_driver_t * ) state - > device ;
// Reset the input state's RLE mode -- the stream should already be correctly positioned by qp_iterate_code_points()
state - > input_state - > rle . mode = MARKER_BYTE ; // ignored if not using RLE
// Reset the output state
state - > output_state - > pixel_write_pos = 0 ;
// Configure where we're going to be rendering to
driver - > driver_vtable - > viewport ( state - > device , state - > xpos , state - > ypos , state - > xpos + width - 1 , state - > ypos + height - 1 ) ;
// Move the x-position for the next glyph
state - > xpos + = width ;
// Decode the pixel data for the glyph
uint32_t pixel_count = ( ( uint32_t ) width ) * height ;
bool ret = qp_internal_decode_palette ( state - > device , pixel_count , qff_font - > bpp , state - > input_callback , state - > input_state , qp_internal_global_pixel_lookup_table , qp_internal_pixel_appender , state - > output_state ) ;
// Any leftovers need transmission as well.
if ( ret & & state - > output_state - > pixel_write_pos > 0 ) {
ret & = driver - > driver_vtable - > pixdata ( state - > device , qp_internal_global_pixdata_buffer , state - > output_state - > pixel_write_pos ) ;
return ret ;
// Quantum Painter External API: qp_textwidth
int16_t qp_textwidth ( painter_font_handle_t font , const char * str ) {
qff_font_handle_t * qff_font = ( qff_font_handle_t * ) font ;
if ( ! qff_font - > validate_ok ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_textwidth: fail (invalid font) \n " ) ;
return false ;
// Create the codepoint iterator state
struct code_point_iter_calcwidth_state state = { . width = 0 } ;
// Iterate each codepoint, return the calculated width if successful.
return qp_iterate_code_points ( qff_font , str , qp_font_code_point_handler_calcwidth , & state ) ? state . width : 0 ;
// Quantum Painter External API: qp_drawtext
int16_t qp_drawtext ( painter_device_t device , uint16_t x , uint16_t y , painter_font_handle_t font , const char * str ) {
// Offload to the recolor variant, substituting fg=white bg=black.
// Traditional LCDs with those colors will need to manually invoke qp_drawtext_recolor with the colors reversed.
return qp_drawtext_recolor ( device , x , y , font , str , 0 , 0 , 255 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Quantum Painter External API: qp_drawtext_recolor
int16_t qp_drawtext_recolor ( painter_device_t device , uint16_t x , uint16_t y , painter_font_handle_t font , const char * str , uint8_t hue_fg , uint8_t sat_fg , uint8_t val_fg , uint8_t hue_bg , uint8_t sat_bg , uint8_t val_bg ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: entry \n " ) ;
struct painter_driver_t * driver = ( struct painter_driver_t * ) device ;
if ( ! driver - > validate_ok ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (validation_ok == false) \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
qff_font_handle_t * qff_font = ( qff_font_handle_t * ) font ;
if ( ! qff_font - > validate_ok ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (invalid font) \n " ) ;
return false ;
if ( ! qp_comms_start ( device ) ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (could not start comms) \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
// Set up the byte input state and input callback
struct qp_internal_byte_input_state input_state = { . device = device , . src_stream = & qff_font - > stream } ;
qp_internal_byte_input_callback input_callback = qp_internal_prepare_input_state ( & input_state , qff_font - > compression_scheme ) ;
if ( input_callback = = NULL ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (invalid font compression scheme) \n " ) ;
qp_comms_stop ( device ) ;
return false ;
// Set up the pixel output state
struct qp_internal_pixel_output_state output_state = { . device = device , . pixel_write_pos = 0 , . max_pixels = qp_internal_num_pixels_in_buffer ( device ) } ;
// Set up the codepoint iteration state
struct code_point_iter_drawglyph_state state = { // Common
. device = device ,
. xpos = x ,
. ypos = y ,
// Input
. input_callback = input_callback ,
. input_state = & input_state ,
// Output
. output_state = & output_state } ;
qp_pixel_t fg_hsv888 = { . hsv888 = { . h = hue_fg , . s = sat_fg , . v = val_fg } } ;
qp_pixel_t bg_hsv888 = { . hsv888 = { . h = hue_bg , . s = sat_bg , . v = val_bg } } ;
uint32_t data_offset ;
if ( ! qp_drawtext_prepare_font_for_render ( driver , qff_font , fg_hsv888 , bg_hsv888 , & data_offset ) ) {
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: fail (failed to prepare font for rendering) \n " ) ;
qp_comms_stop ( device ) ;
return false ;
// Iterate the codepoints with the drawglyph callback
bool ret = qp_iterate_code_points ( qff_font , str , qp_font_code_point_handler_drawglyph , & state ) ;
qp_dprintf ( " qp_drawtext_recolor: %s \n " , ret ? " ok " : " fail " ) ;
qp_comms_stop ( device ) ;
return ret ? ( state . xpos - x ) : 0 ;