This does a bunch of crazy stuff: - The ability to set a unicode mode (right now only Linux+ibus or MacOS-RALT) in the keymap. This will be changeable at runtime soon, to allow a single keyboard to be able to send table flips and whatever other crazy stuff on any OS the board is plugged into (something that's not currently doable on QMK, so yay us?) - As part of the above, there is now just one user-facing macro for unicode codepoint submission, `kmk.common.macros.unicode.unicode_sequence`. Users should never use the platform-specific macros, partly because they just outright won't work. There's all sorts of fun stuff in these methods now, thank goodness MicroPython supports the `yield from` construct. - Keycode (these should really be renamed Keysym or something) objects that are intended to not be pressed, or not be released. Right now these properties are completely ignored if not part of a macro, and it's probably sane to keep it that way. This was necessary to support MacOS's "hold RALT while typing the codepoint characters" flow. - Other refactor-y bits, like moving macro support to `kmk/common` rather than sitting at the top level of the tree. One day `kmk/common` may make sense to surface at top level `kmk/`, but that's a discussion for another day.
241 lines
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241 lines
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import logging
import sys
from kmk.common.consts import DiodeOrientation, UnicodeModes
from kmk.common.event_defs import (HID_REPORT_EVENT, INIT_FIRMWARE_EVENT,
from kmk.common.internal_keycodes import process_internal_key_event
from kmk.common.keycodes import FIRST_KMK_INTERNAL_KEYCODE, Keycodes
from kmk.common.macros import KMKMacro
class ReduxStore:
def __init__(self, reducer, log_level=logging.NOTSET):
self.reducer = reducer
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.state = self.reducer(logger=self.logger)
self.callbacks = []
def dispatch(self, action):
if callable(action):
self.logger.debug('Received thunk')
action(self.dispatch, self.get_state)
self.logger.debug('Finished thunk')
return None
self.logger.debug('Dispatching action: Type {} >> {}'.format(action['type'], action))
self.state = self.reducer(self.state, action, logger=self.logger)
self.logger.debug('Dispatching complete: Type {}'.format(action['type']))
self.logger.debug('New state: {}'.format(self.state))
for cb in self.callbacks:
if cb is not None:
cb(self.state, action)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error('Callback failed, moving on')
print(sys.print_exception(e), file=sys.stderr)
def get_state(self):
return self.state
def subscribe(self, callback):
return len(self.callbacks) - 1
def unsubscribe(self, idx):
self.callbacks[idx] = None
class InternalState:
modifiers_pressed = frozenset()
keys_pressed = frozenset()
macro_pending = None
unicode_mode = UnicodeModes.NOOP
keymap = []
row_pins = []
col_pins = []
matrix = []
diode_orientation = DiodeOrientation.COLUMNS
active_layers = [0]
_oldstates = []
def __init__(self, preserve_intermediate_states=False):
self.preserve_intermediate_states = preserve_intermediate_states
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def to_dict(self, verbose=False):
ret = {
'keys_pressed': self.keys_pressed,
'modifiers_pressed': self.modifiers_pressed,
'active_layers': self.active_layers,
'unicode_mode': self.unicode_mode,
if verbose:
'keymap': self.keymap,
'matrix': self.matrix,
'col_pins': self.col_pins,
'row_pins': self.row_pins,
'diode_orientation': self.diode_orientation,
return ret
def __repr__(self):
return 'InternalState({})'.format(self.to_dict())
def update(self, **kwargs):
if self.preserve_intermediate_states:
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
return self
def find_key_in_map(state, row, col):
# Later-added layers have priority. Sift through the layers
# in reverse order until we find a valid keycode object
for layer in reversed(state.active_layers):
layer_key = state.keymap[layer][row][col]
if not layer_key or layer_key == Keycodes.KMK.KC_TRNS:
if layer_key == Keycodes.KMK.KC_NO:
return layer_key
def kmk_reducer(state=None, action=None, logger=None):
if state is None:
state = InternalState()
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Reducer received state of None, creating new')
if action is None:
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('No action received, returning state unmodified')
return state
if action['type'] == NEW_MATRIX_EVENT:
return state.update(
if action['type'] == KEYCODE_UP_EVENT:
return state.update(
key for key in state.keys_pressed if key != action['keycode']
if action['type'] == KEYCODE_DOWN_EVENT:
return state.update(
state.keys_pressed | {action['keycode']}
if action['type'] == KEY_UP_EVENT:
row = action['row']
col = action['col']
changed_key = find_key_in_map(state, row, col)
logger.debug('Detected change to key: {}'.format(changed_key))
if not changed_key:
return state
if isinstance(changed_key, KMKMacro):
if changed_key.keyup:
return state.update(
return state
newstate = state.update(
key for key in state.keys_pressed if key != changed_key
if changed_key.code >= FIRST_KMK_INTERNAL_KEYCODE:
return process_internal_key_event(newstate, action, changed_key, logger=logger)
return newstate
if action['type'] == KEY_DOWN_EVENT:
row = action['row']
col = action['col']
changed_key = find_key_in_map(state, row, col)
logger.debug('Detected change to key: {}'.format(changed_key))
if not changed_key:
return state
if isinstance(changed_key, KMKMacro):
if changed_key.keydown:
return state.update(
return state
newstate = state.update(
state.keys_pressed | {changed_key}
if changed_key.code >= FIRST_KMK_INTERNAL_KEYCODE:
return process_internal_key_event(newstate, action, changed_key, logger=logger)
return newstate
if action['type'] == INIT_FIRMWARE_EVENT:
return state.update(
[False for c in action['col_pins']]
for r in action['row_pins']
# HID events are non-mutating, used exclusively for listeners to know
# they should be doing things. This could/should arguably be folded back
# into KEY_UP_EVENT and KEY_DOWN_EVENT, but for now it's nice to separate
# this out for debugging's sake.
if action['type'] == HID_REPORT_EVENT:
return state
if action['type'] == MACRO_COMPLETE_EVENT:
return state.update(macro_pending=None)
# On unhandled events, log and do not mutate state
logger.warning('Unhandled event! Returning state unmodified.')
return state