2020-10-13 10:58:18 -07:00

150 lines
4.9 KiB

import digitalio
def intify_coordinate(row, col):
return row << 8 | col
class DiodeOrientation:
Orientation of diodes on handwired boards. You can think of:
COLUMNS = vertical
ROWS = horizontal
ROWS = 1
class MatrixScanner:
def __init__(
self.len_cols = len(cols)
self.len_rows = len(rows)
# A pin cannot be both a row and column, detect this by combining the
# two tuples into a set and validating that the length did not drop
# repr() hackery is because CircuitPython Pin objects are not hashable
unique_pins = {repr(c) for c in cols} | {repr(r) for r in rows}
assert (
len(unique_pins) == self.len_cols + self.len_rows
), 'Cannot use a pin as both a column and row'
del unique_pins
self.diode_orientation = diode_orientation
# __class__.__name__ is used instead of isinstance as the MCP230xx lib
# does not use the digitalio.DigitalInOut, but rather a self defined one:
# https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_MCP230xx/blob/3f04abbd65ba5fa938fcb04b99e92ae48a8c9406/adafruit_mcp230xx/digital_inout.py#L33
if self.diode_orientation == DiodeOrientation.COLUMNS:
self.outputs = [
if x.__class__.__name__ is 'DigitalInOut'
else digitalio.DigitalInOut(x)
for x in cols
self.inputs = [
if x.__class__.__name__ is 'DigitalInOut'
else digitalio.DigitalInOut(x)
for x in rows
self.translate_coords = True
elif self.diode_orientation == DiodeOrientation.ROWS:
self.outputs = [
if x.__class__.__name__ is 'DigitalInOut'
else digitalio.DigitalInOut(x)
for x in rows
self.inputs = [
if x.__class__.__name__ is 'DigitalInOut'
else digitalio.DigitalInOut(x)
for x in cols
self.translate_coords = False
raise ValueError(
'Invalid DiodeOrientation: {}'.format(self.diode_orientation)
for pin in self.outputs:
for pin in self.inputs:
self.rollover_cols_every_rows = rollover_cols_every_rows
if self.rollover_cols_every_rows is None:
self.rollover_cols_every_rows = self.len_rows
self.len_state_arrays = self.len_cols * self.len_rows
self.state = bytearray(self.len_state_arrays)
self.report = bytearray(3)
def scan_for_changes(self):
Poll the matrix for changes and return either None (if nothing updated)
or a bytearray (reused in later runs so copy this if you need the raw
array itself for some crazy reason) consisting of (row, col, pressed)
which are (int, int, bool)
ba_idx = 0
any_changed = False
for oidx, opin in enumerate(self.outputs):
opin.value = True
for iidx, ipin in enumerate(self.inputs):
# cast to int to avoid
# >>> xyz = bytearray(3)
# >>> xyz[2] = True
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# OverflowError: value would overflow a 1 byte buffer
# I haven't dived too far into what causes this, but it's
# almost certainly because bool types in Python aren't just
# aliases to int values, but are proper pseudo-types
new_val = int(ipin.value)
old_val = self.state[ba_idx]
if old_val != new_val:
if self.translate_coords:
new_oidx = oidx + self.len_cols * (
iidx // self.rollover_cols_every_rows
new_iidx = iidx - self.rollover_cols_every_rows * (
iidx // self.rollover_cols_every_rows
self.report[0] = new_iidx
self.report[1] = new_oidx
self.report[0] = oidx
self.report[1] = iidx
self.report[2] = new_val
self.state[ba_idx] = new_val
any_changed = True
ba_idx += 1
opin.value = False
if any_changed:
if any_changed:
return self.report