import unittest from kmk.keys import ALL_ALPHAS, ALL_NUMBERS, KC from kmk.modules.string_substitution import Character, Phrase, Rule, StringSubstitution from tests.keyboard_test import KeyboardTest class TestStringSubstitution(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.symbols = '`-=[]\\;\',./~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?' self.everything = ALL_NUMBERS + ALL_ALPHAS + ALL_ALPHAS.lower() + self.symbols self.test_dictionary = { 'aa': 'b', 'b': 'aa', '!': '@', 'dccc': 'dcbb', 'dadadada': 'dabaaaab', 'ccc': 'z', 'cccc': 'y', 'AAA': 'BBB', 'B': 'A', } self.string_substitution = StringSubstitution(self.test_dictionary) self.keyboard = KeyboardTest( [self.string_substitution], [ [ KC.A, KC.B, KC.N1, KC.LSHIFT, KC.LCTRL, KC.C, KC.D, KC.RSHIFT, KC.RALT, ], ], debug_enabled=False, ) return super().setUp() def test_keyboard_events_are_correct(self): # backspace doesn't have to fire for the final key pressed # that results in a corresponding match, as that key is never sent self.keyboard.test( 'multi-character key, single-character value', [(0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), 50], [{KC.A}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.B}, {}], ) # note: the pressed key is never sent here, as the event is # intercepted and the replacement is sent instead self.keyboard.test( 'multi-character value, single-character key', [(1, True), (1, False), 50], [{KC.A}, {}, {KC.A}, {}], ) # modifiers are force-released if there's a match, # so the keyup event for them isn't sent self.keyboard.test( 'shifted alphanumeric or symbol in key and/or value', [(3, True), (2, True), (2, False), (3, False), 50], [{KC.LSHIFT}, {KC.LSHIFT, KC.N2}, {}], ) self.keyboard.test( 'backspace is only tapped as many times as necessary to delete the difference between the key and value', [ (6, True), (6, False), (5, True), (5, False), (5, True), (5, False), (5, True), (5, False), 10, ], [ {KC.D}, {}, {KC.C}, {}, {KC.C}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.B}, {}, {KC.B}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'the presence of non-shift modifiers prevents a multi-character match', [(4, True), (0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), (4, False), 50], [ {KC.LCTRL}, {KC.LCTRL, KC.A}, {KC.LCTRL}, {KC.LCTRL, KC.A}, {KC.LCTRL}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'the presence of non-shift modifiers prevents a single-character match', [(4, True), (1, True), (1, False), (4, False), 50], [ {KC.LCTRL}, {KC.LCTRL, KC.B}, {KC.LCTRL}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'the presence of non-shift modifiers resets current potential matches', [(0, True), (0, False), (4, True), (0, True), (0, False), (4, False), 50], [ {KC.A}, {}, {KC.LCTRL}, {KC.LCTRL, KC.A}, {KC.LCTRL}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'match found and replaced when there are preceding characters', [(5, True), (5, False), (0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), 50], [ {KC.C}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.B}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'match found and replaced when there are trailing characters, and the trailing characters are sent', [(0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), (5, True), (5, False), 50], [ {KC.A}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.B}, {}, {KC.C}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'no match', [(0, True), (0, False), (2, True), (2, False), 50], [ {KC.A}, {}, {KC.N1}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'multiple backspaces', [ (6, True), (6, False), (0, True), (0, False), (6, True), (6, False), (0, True), (0, False), (6, True), (6, False), (0, True), (0, False), (6, True), (6, False), (0, True), (0, False), 10, ], [ {KC.D}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.D}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.D}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.D}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.B}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.A}, {}, {KC.B}, {}, ], ) # makes sure that rule resets work after a match is found # also covers the case where the next character the user types after a match # would lead to a different match that should be unreachable self.keyboard.test( 'with multiple potential matches, only the first one is used', [ (5, True), (5, False), (5, True), (5, False), (5, True), (5, False), # the following is a trailing character, and should not # send the unreachable match "cccc" after matching "ccc" (5, True), (5, False), 10, ], [ {KC.C}, {}, {KC.C}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.Z}, {}, {KC.C}, {}, ], ) # right shift gets released via keyboard.remove_key(KC.RSFT) # when the state changes to State.DELETING - so no modified backspace, # and no RSHIFT keyup event self.keyboard.test( 'right shift acts as left shift', [ (7, True), (0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), (7, False), 10, ], [ {KC.RSHIFT}, {KC.RSHIFT, KC.A}, {KC.RSHIFT}, {KC.RSHIFT, KC.A}, {KC.RSHIFT}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.BACKSPACE}, {}, {KC.LSHIFT, KC.B}, {}, {KC.LSHIFT, KC.B}, {}, {KC.LSHIFT, KC.B}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'multiple modifiers should not result in a match', [ (8, True), (4, True), (0, True), (0, False), (0, True), (0, False), (4, False), (8, False), 10, ], [ {KC.RALT}, {KC.RALT, KC.LCTRL}, {KC.RALT, KC.LCTRL, KC.A}, {KC.RALT, KC.LCTRL}, {KC.RALT, KC.LCTRL, KC.A}, {KC.RALT, KC.LCTRL}, {KC.RALT}, {}, ], ) self.keyboard.test( 'modifier + shift should not result in a match', [ (8, True), (3, True), (1, True), (1, False), (3, False), (8, False), 10, ], [ {KC.RALT}, {KC.RALT, KC.LSHIFT}, {KC.RALT, KC.LSHIFT, KC.B}, {KC.RALT, KC.LSHIFT}, {KC.RALT}, {}, ], ) def test_invalid_character_in_dictionary_throws_error(self): dict = { 'illegal_character_in_key': {'é': 'a'}, 'illegal_character_in_value': {'a': 'é'}, } self.assertRaises( ValueError, StringSubstitution, dict['illegal_character_in_key'] ) self.assertRaises( ValueError, StringSubstitution, dict['illegal_character_in_value'] ) def test_character_constructs_properly(self): unshifted_character = Character(KC.A, False) shifted_letter = Character(KC.A, True) shifted_symbol = Character(KC.N1, True) self.assertEqual( unshifted_character.key_code, KC.A, 'unshifted character key code is correct', ) self.assertEqual( shifted_letter.key_code.__dict__, KC.LSHIFT(KC.A).__dict__, 'shifted letter key code is correct', ) self.assertEqual( shifted_symbol.key_code.__dict__, KC.LSHIFT(KC.N1).__dict__, 'shifted symbol key code is correct', ) def test_phrase_constructs_properly(self): combination = ALL_NUMBERS + ALL_ALPHAS + ALL_ALPHAS.lower() multi_character_phrase = Phrase(combination) # lower case for letter in ALL_ALPHAS: letter = letter.lower() phrase = Phrase(letter) self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_index(0).key_code, KC[letter], f'Test failed when constructing phrase with lower-case letter {letter}', ) # upper case for letter in ALL_ALPHAS: phrase = Phrase(letter) self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_index(0).key_code.__dict__, KC.LSHIFT(KC[letter]).__dict__, f'Test failed when constructing phrase with upper-case letter {letter}', ) # numbers for letter in ALL_NUMBERS: phrase = Phrase(letter) self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_index(0).key_code, KC[letter], f'Test failed when constructing phrase with number {letter}', ) # multi-character phrase for i, character in enumerate(combination): self.assertEqual( multi_character_phrase.get_character_at_index(i).key_code.__dict__, KC.LSHIFT(KC[character]).__dict__ if combination[i].isupper() else KC[character].__dict__, f'Test failed when constructing phrase with character {character}', ) def test_phrase_with_symbols_constructs_properly(self): phrase = Phrase(self.symbols) for i, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols): self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_index(i).key_code.__dict__, KC[symbol].__dict__, 'Test failed for symbol {}'.format(symbol), ) def test_phrase_indexes_correctly(self): phrase = Phrase(ALL_ALPHAS.lower()) i = 0 while not phrase.index_at_end(): self.assertTrue( phrase.character_is_at_current_index(phrase.get_character_at_index(i)), 'Current character in the phrase is not the expected one', ) self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_index(i).key_code.__dict__, KC[ALL_ALPHAS[i]].__dict__, f'Character at index {i} is not {ALL_ALPHAS[i]}', ) phrase.next_character() i += 1 self.assertLess( i, len(ALL_ALPHAS) + 1, 'While loop checking phrase index ran too long' ) phrase.reset_index() self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_current_index().key_code, KC[ALL_ALPHAS[0]], 'Phrase did not reset its index to 0', ) def test_sanity_check(self): '''Test character/phrase construction with every letter, number, and symbol, shifted and unshifted''' phrase = Phrase(self.everything) for i, character in enumerate(self.everything): self.assertEqual( phrase.get_character_at_index(i).key_code.__dict__, KC.LSHIFT(KC[character]).__dict__ if self.everything[i].isupper() else KC[character].__dict__, f'Test failed when constructing phrase with character {character}', ) def test_rule(self): phrase1 = Phrase(self.everything) phrase2 = Phrase(self.everything) rule = Rule(phrase1, phrase2) self.assertEqual( rule.to_substitute, phrase1, "Rule's entry to be substituted is correct" ) self.assertEqual( rule.substitution, phrase2, "Rule's substitution entry is correct" ) rule.to_substitute.next_character() rule.substitution.next_character() rule.restart() self.assertEqual( rule.to_substitute.get_character_at_index(0).key_code, KC[self.everything[0]], 'Rule did not call to_substitute.reset_index() when rule.restart() was called', ) self.assertEqual( rule.substitution.get_character_at_index(0).key_code, KC[self.everything[0]], 'Rule did not call substitution.reset_index() when rule.restart() was called', ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()