.SILENT: .PHONY: \ clean-dist \ devdeps \ dist \ dockerbase \ lint .DEFAULT: all DIST_DESCRIBE_CMD = git describe --always --abbrev=0 --dirty --broken DOCKER_BASE_TAG ?= latest DOCKER_TAG ?= latest AMPY_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 AMPY_BAUD ?= 115200 AMPY_DELAY ?= 1.5 PIPENV ?= $(shell which pipenv 2>/dev/null) MPY_CROSS ?= $(shell which mpy-cross 2>/dev/null) MPY_FLAGS ?= '-O2' MPY_SOURCES ?= 'kmk/' MPY_TARGET_DIR ?= .compiled PY_KMK_TREE = $(shell find $(MPY_SOURCES) -name "*.py") DIST_DESCRIBE = $(shell $(DIST_DESCRIBE_CMD)) TIMESTAMP := $(shell date +%s) all: copy-kmk copy-bootpy copy-keymap copy-board .PHONY: compile compile-check compile: compile-check ifeq ($(MPY_CROSS),) compile-check: @echo "===> Could not find mpy-cross in PATH, exiting" @false else compile-check: $(PY_KMK_TREE:%.py=$(MPY_TARGET_DIR)/%.mpy) @echo "===> Compiling all py files to mpy with flags $(MPY_FLAGS)" $(MPY_TARGET_DIR)/%.mpy: %.py @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @$(MPY_CROSS) $(MPY_FLAGS) $? -o $@ endif .devdeps: Pipfile.lock @echo "===> Installing dependencies with pipenv" @$(PIPENV) sync --dev @touch .devdeps devdeps: .devdeps dist: clean-dist dockerbase @mkdir -p .dist @docker run --rm -it -v $$(pwd)/.dist:/dist kmkpy:$(TIMESTAMP) dockerbase: docker build . \ -t kmkpy:$(TIMESTAMP) \ --build-arg KMKPY_URL=$$(cut -f1 < kmkpython_ref.tsv) \ --build-arg KMKPY_REF=$$(cut -f2 < kmkpython_ref.tsv) lint: devdeps @$(PIPENV) run flake8 fix-formatting: devdeps @$(PIPENV) run black . fix-isort: devdeps @find boards/ kmk/ tests/ user_keymaps/ -name "*.py" | xargs $(PIPENV) run isort clean: clean-dist @echo "===> Cleaning build artifacts" @rm -rf .devdeps build dist $(MPY_TARGET_DIR) clean-dist: @echo "===> Cleaning KMKPython dists" @rm -rf .dist # This is mostly a leftover from the days we vendored stuff from # micropython-lib via submodules. Leaving this here mostly in case someone goes # exploring through the history of KMK's repo and manages to screw up their # repo state (those were glitchy times...) powerwash: clean @echo "===> Removing vendor/ to force a re-pull" @rm -rf vendor @echo "===> Removing pipenv-managed virtual environment" @$(PIPENV) --rm || true test: lint unit-tests .PHONY: unit-tests unit-tests: devdeps @$(PIPENV) run python3 -m unittest $(TESTS) reset-bootloader: @echo "===> Rebooting your board to bootloader (safe to ignore file not found errors)" @-timeout -k 5s 10s $(PIPENV) run ampy -p /dev/ttyACM0 -d ${AMPY_DELAY} -b ${AMPY_BAUD} run util/bootloader.py reset-board: @echo "===> Rebooting your board (safe to ignore file not found errors)" @-timeout -k 5s 10s $(PIPENV) run ampy -p /dev/ttyACM0 -d ${AMPY_DELAY} -b ${AMPY_BAUD} run util/reset.py ifdef MOUNTPOINT $(MOUNTPOINT)/kmk/.copied: $(shell find kmk/ -name "*.py" | xargs -0) @echo "===> Copying KMK source folder" @rsync -rh kmk $(MOUNTPOINT)/ @touch $(MOUNTPOINT)/kmk/.copied @sync ifdef MOUNTPOINT copy-compiled: @echo "===> Copying compiled KMK folder" @rsync -urh $(MPY_TARGET_DIR)/* $(MOUNTPOINT)/ @sync else copy-compiled: @echo "**** MOUNTPOINT must be defined (wherever your CIRCUITPY drive is mounted) ****" && exit 1 endif copy-kmk: $(MOUNTPOINT)/kmk/.copied else copy-kmk: echo "**** MOUNTPOINT must be defined (wherever your CIRCUITPY drive is mounted) ****" && exit 1 endif copy-board: $(MOUNTPOINT)/kb.py $(MOUNTPOINT)/kb.py: $(BOARD) @echo "===> Copying your board to kb.py" @rsync -rh $(BOARD) $@ @sync ifdef MOUNTPOINT $(MOUNTPOINT)/kmk/boot.py: boot.py @echo "===> Copying required boot.py" @rsync -rh boot.py $(MOUNTPOINT)/ @sync copy-bootpy: $(MOUNTPOINT)/kmk/boot.py else copy-bootpy: echo "**** MOUNTPOINT must be defined (wherever your CIRCUITPY drive is mounted) ****" && exit 1 endif ifdef MOUNTPOINT ifndef USER_KEYMAP $(MOUNTPOINT)/main.py: @echo "**** USER_KEYMAP must be defined (ex. USER_KEYMAP=user_keymaps/noop.py) ****" && exit 1 else $(MOUNTPOINT)/main.py: $(USER_KEYMAP) @echo "===> Copying your keymap to main.py" @rsync -rh $(USER_KEYMAP) $@ @sync endif # USER_KEYMAP copy-keymap: $(MOUNTPOINT)/main.py else copy-keymap: echo "**** MOUNTPOINT must be defined (wherever your CIRCUITPY drive is mounted) ****" && exit 1 ifdef BOARD copy-board: $(MOUNTPOINT)/kb.py endif # BOARD endif # MOUNTPOINT