# May Pad ![Navi10](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a8723cb7131a5121206d464/1606191335495-CWRDEYORTXXPJLIAWX4K/_RO_5366.jpg?format=1500w) A through hole kit using a pro micro footprint and through hole diodes! Can be a 20 key macropad or a numpad! kb.py is designed to work with the Adafruit KB2040 Retailers (USA) [KeyHive](https://keyhive.xyz/shop/may-pad) Extensions enabled by default - [Layers](/docs/layers.md) Need more keys than switches? Use layers. - [MediaKeys](/docs/media_keys.md) Control volume and other media functions Common Extensions - [Power](/docs/power.md) Powersaving features for battery life