# KMK: Clackety Keyboards Powered by Python KMK is a feature-rich and beginner-friendly firmware for computer keyboards written and configured in [CircuitPython](https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython). **KMK is currently in public beta, however should handle most workflows without major issues**. > If you need support with KMK or just want to say hi, find us in > [#kmkfw:klar.sh on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#kmkfw:klar.sh). This channel > is bridged to Discord > [here](https://discordapp.com/widget?id=493256121075761173&theme=dark) for > convenience. ## Features - Fully configured through a single, easy to understand Python file that lives on a "flash-drive"-esque space on your microcontroller - edit on the go without DFU or other devtooling available! - Single-piece or [two-piece split keyboards](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/split_keyboards.md) are supported - [Chainable keys](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/keys.md) such as `KC.LWIN(KC.L)` to lock the screen on a Windows PC - [Built-in unicode macros, including emojis](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/sequences.md) - [RGB underglow](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/rgb.md) and [LED backlights](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/led.md) - One key can turn into many more based on [how many times you tap it](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/tapdance.md) - Bluetooth HID and split keyboards. No more wires. ## Getting Started Our getting started guide can be found [here](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/blob/master/docs/Getting_Started.md) ## The KMK Team KMK is primarily written and maintained by @klardotsh and @kdb424, but contributions are welcome from all, whether it's in the form of code, documentation, hardware designs, feature ideas, or anything else that comes to mind. A list of KMK's contributors can be found [on GitHub](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/graphs/contributors). > While Adafruit employees and affiliates are occasionally found in the commit > log and their help has been crucial to KMK's success, KMK is not an official > Adafruit project, and the Core team is not compensated by Adafruit for its > development. ## Code Style KMK uses [Black](https://github.com/psf/black) with a Python 3.6 target and, [(controversially?)](https://github.com/psf/black/issues/594) single quotes. Further code styling is enforced with isort and flake8 with several plugins. `make fix-isort fix-formatting` before a commit is a good idea, and CI will fail if inbound code does not adhere to these formatting rules. Some exceptions are found in `setup.cfg` loosening the rules in isolated cases, notably `user_keymaps` (which is *also* not subject to Black formatting for reasons documented in `pyproject.toml`). ## License, Copyright, and Legal All software in this repository is licensed under the [GNU Public License, verison 3](https://tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v3-(gpl-3)). All documentation and hardware designs are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) license. Contributions to this repository must use these licenses unless otherwise agreed to by the Core team.