# Reviung41  The Reviung41 is a 41 key keyboard designed by gtips, it is a slightly larger version of the popular Reviung 39. These "split non-split" keyboards offer a lot of features split keyboards have in terms of comfort and ergonomics but do so in a single-piece package. Many people consider keyboards in this style easier to travel with since you don't have to manage two halves and there is of course no need for a TRRS cable. This board sits somewhere between and Atreus and Corne, and it is extremely comfortable to use. kb.py is designed to work with the nice!nano Hardware Availability: [PCB & Case Data](https://github.com/gtips/reviung/tree/master/reviung41) Retailers (USA) [Boardsource](https://boardsource.xyz/store/5f2ef1b52bf5e8714a60f613) Extensions enabled by default - [Layers](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/tree/master/docs/layers.md) Need more keys than switches? Use layers. - [RGB](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/tree/master/docs/rgb.md) Light it up - [ModTap](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/tree/master/docs/modtap.md) Allows mod keys to act as different keys when tapped. Common Extensions - [Power](https://github.com/KMKfw/kmk_firmware/tree/master/docs/power.md) Powersaving features for battery life