# Keymap Keymaps in KMK are simple Python class objects with various attributes assigned (some by default, however all are overridable). The basics of what you'll need to get started are: - Import the `Firmware` object for your keyboard from `kmk.boards` (or, if handwiring your keyboard, import `Firmware` from the appropriate MCU for your board from `kmk.mcus`. See `hardware.md` for the list of supported boards and map this to the correct Python module under either of those paths. - Add a file to `user_keymaps/your_username` called whatever you'd like - Assign a `Firmware` instance to a variable (ex. `keyboard = Firmware()` - note the parentheses) - Assign pins and your diode orientation (only necessary on handwire keyboards), for example: ```python col_pins = (P.SCK, P.MOSI, P.MISO, P.RX, P.TX, P.D4) row_pins = (P.D10, P.D11, P.D12, P.D13, P.D9, P.D6, P.D5, P.SCL) rollover_cols_every_rows = 4 diode_orientation = DiodeOrientation.COLUMNS swap_indicies = { (3, 3): (3, 9), (3, 4): (3, 10), (3, 5): (3, 11), } ``` The pins should be based on whatever CircuitPython calls pins on your particular board. You can find these in the REPL on your CircuitPython device: ```python import board print(dir(board)) ``` > Note: `rollover_cols_every_rows` is only supported with > `DiodeOrientation.COLUMNS`, not `DiodeOrientation.ROWS`. It is used for boards > such as the Planck Rev6 which reuse column pins to simulate a 4x12 matrix in > the form of an 8x6 matrix > Note: `swap_indicies` is used to literally flip two keys' positions in the > matrix. This is pretty rarely needed, but for example the Planck Rev6 in full > 1u Grid mode swaps the bottom three right keys on each "half", thus the > example above You can further define a bunch of other stuff: - `debug_enabled` which will spew a ton of debugging information to the serial console. This is very rarely needed, but can provide very valuable information if you need to open an issue. - `unicode_mode` from `kmk.consts.UnicodeModes`, which defines the default operating system implementation to use for unicode sequences (see examples below, or `unicode.md`. This can be changed after boot with a key (see `keycodes.md`) - `tap_time` which defines how long `KC.TT` and `KC.LT` will wait before considering a key "held" (see `keycodes.md`) - `leader_dictionary`, which defines leader sequences (see `leader.md`), defined as tuples of keycode objects (or you can use `kmk.keycodes.generate_leader_dictionary_seq` with a string) We also support unicode sequences (emojis, emoticons, umlauted letters, whatever) if your operating system and system setup do! See `unicode.md` for details. Here's a giant example of all the above. This is my personal 4x12 matrix layout running on a Planck Rev6 PCB, with a Feather M4 Express wired up to the outer matrix pins (in somewhat of a "spider" setup), utilizing most of the above features: ```python from kmk.boards.klarank import Firmware from kmk.consts import UnicodeModes from kmk.keycodes import KC from kmk.keycodes import generate_leader_dictionary_seq as glds from kmk.macros.simple import send_string from kmk.macros.unicode import compile_unicode_string_sequences as cuss keyboard = Firmware() keyboard.debug_enabled = True keyboard.unicode_mode = UnicodeModes.LINUX _______ = KC.TRNS xxxxxxx = KC.NO emoticons = cuss({ # Emojis 'BEER': r'🍺', 'BEER_TOAST': r'🍻', 'FACE_CUTE_SMILE': r'😊', 'FACE_HEART_EYES': r'😍', 'FACE_JOY': r'πŸ˜‚', 'FACE_SWEAT_SMILE': r'πŸ˜…', 'FACE_THINKING': r'πŸ€”', 'FIRE': r'πŸ”₯', 'FLAG_CA': r'πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦', 'FLAG_US': r'πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ', 'HAND_CLAP': r'πŸ‘', 'HAND_HORNS': r'🀘', 'HAND_OK': r'πŸ‘Œ', 'HAND_THUMB_DOWN': r'πŸ‘Ž', 'HAND_THUMB_UP': r'πŸ‘', 'HAND_WAVE': r'πŸ‘‹', 'HEART': r'❀️', 'MAPLE_LEAF': r'🍁', 'POOP': r'πŸ’©', 'TADA': r'πŸŽ‰', # Emoticons, but fancier 'ANGRY_TABLE_FLIP': r'(γƒŽΰ² η—Šΰ² )γƒŽε½‘β”»β”β”»', 'CELEBRATORY_GLITTER': r'+q:.οΎŸγƒ½(Β΄βˆ€ο½‘)οΎ‰οΎŸ.:q+゚゚+q:.οΎŸγƒ½(*Β΄βˆ€)οΎ‰οΎŸ.:q+゚', 'SHRUGGIE': r'Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―', 'TABLE_FLIP': r'(β•―Β°β–‘Β°οΌ‰β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻', }) WPM = send_string("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed. Facilisis sed odio morbi quis.") keyboard.leader_dictionary = { glds('hello'): send_string('hello world from kmk macros'), glds('wpm'): WPM, glds('atf'): emoticons.ANGRY_TABLE_FLIP, glds('tf'): emoticons.TABLE_FLIP, glds('fca'): emoticons.FLAG_CA, glds('fus'): emoticons.FLAG_US, glds('cel'): emoticons.CELEBRATORY_GLITTER, } keyboard.keymap = [ [ [KC.GESC, KC.QUOT, KC.COMM, KC.DOT, KC.P, KC.Y, KC.F, KC.G, KC.C, KC.R, KC.L, KC.BSPC], [KC.TAB, KC.A, KC.O, KC.E, KC.U, KC.I, KC.D, KC.H, KC.T, KC.N, KC.S, KC.ENT], [KC.LGUI, KC.SCLN, KC.Q, KC.J, KC.K, KC.X, KC.B, KC.M, KC.W, KC.V, KC.Z, KC.LALT], [KC.LCTL, KC.LEAD, KC.LSHIFT(KC.LGUI), KC.MO(2), KC.MO(3), KC.LSFT, KC.SPC, KC.MO(1), KC.LEFT, KC.DOWN, KC.UP, KC.RGHT], ], [ [KC.GESC, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.F10, KC.F11, KC.F12, xxxxxxx, KC.PSLS, KC.N7, KC.N8, KC.N9, KC.BSPC], [KC.TAB, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.F7, KC.F8, KC.F9, xxxxxxx, KC.PAST, KC.N4, KC.N5, KC.N6, _______], [KC.LGUI, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.F4, KC.F5, KC.F6, xxxxxxx, KC.PMNS, KC.N1, KC.N2, KC.N3, _______], [KC.LCTL, xxxxxxx, _______, KC.F1, KC.F2, KC.F3, KC.SPC, _______, KC.N0, KC.DOT, xxxxxxx, KC.EQL], ], [ [KC.GESC, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.BSLS, KC.LBRC, KC.RBRC, KC.DEL], [KC.TAB, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.MINS], [KC.LGUI, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.LBRC, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.INS], [KC.LCTL, xxxxxxx, _______, _______, xxxxxxx, _______, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.HOME, KC.PGDN, KC.PGUP, KC.END], ], [ [KC.GRV, KC.EXLM, KC.AT, KC.HASH, KC.DLR, KC.PERC, KC.CIRC, KC.AMPR, KC.ASTR, KC.LPRN, KC.RPRN, KC.SLSH], [KC.TAB, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.MINS], [KC.LGUI, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx], [KC.LCTL, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, _______, _______, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, KC.MUTE, KC.VOLD, KC.VOLU, xxxxxxx], ], ] if __name__ == '__main__': keyboard.go() ```