# Lulu ![Lulu](https://boardsource.imgix.net/c93fba70-71bc-11ec-bb73-09003ca81902.jpg?raw=true) Based on the form factor of the Lily58, but with new features. The Lulu is a 58 key split keyboard design by Boardsource, featuring a 6x4 columnar stagger and 4 thumb cluster keys on each hand. The Lulu is a perfect choice for people who want to be on a split keyboard but still want to have a fairly standard amount of keys, and a premium case avaliable. Hardware Availability: [PCB & Case Source](https://boardsource.xyz/store/5ec9df84c6b834480de6c3d0) kb.py is designed to work with the PCBA version directly from them. Retailers (USA) [Boardsource](https://boardsource.xyz/store/5ec9df84c6b834480de6c3d0) Extensions enabled by default - [Split](/docs/split.md) Connects halves using a wire. - [Layers](/docs/layers.md) Need more keys than switches? Use layers. - [PEG_RGB](/docs/peg_rgb_matrix.md) Light it up! - [PEG_OLED](/docs/peg_oled_display.md) Screens to see things on of course. Common Extensions - [Power](/docs/power.md) Powersaving features for battery life. - [BLE_Split](/docs/split.md) Connects halves without wires (For the DIY version)