.PHONY: \ build-feather \ circuitpy-deps \ circuitpy-freeze-kmk-nrf \ devdeps \ freeze-nrf-build-deps \ lint AMPY_PORT ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 AMPY_BAUD ?= 115200 AMPY_DELAY ?= 1.5 ARDUINO ?= /usr/share/arduino PIPENV ?= $(shell which pipenv) .devdeps: Pipfile.lock @$(PIPENV) install --dev --ignore-pipfile @touch .devdeps devdeps: .devdeps lint: devdeps @$(PIPENV) run flake8 fix-isort: devdeps @find kmk/ user_keymaps/ -name "*.py" | xargs $(PIPENV) run isort clean: rm -rf .submodules .circuitpy-deps .micropython-deps build powerwash: clean rm -rf vendor $(PIPENV) --rm test: micropython-build-unix @echo "===> Testing keymap_sanity_check.py script" @echo " --> Known good layout should pass..." @MICROPYPATH=tests/test_data:./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py keymaps/known_good.py @echo " --> Layer with ghosted MO should fail..." @MICROPYPATH=tests/test_data:./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py keymaps/ghosted_layer_mo.py 2>/dev/null && exit 1 || exit 0 @echo " --> Sharing a pin between rows/cols should fail..." @MICROPYPATH=tests/test_data:./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py keymaps/duplicated_pins_between_row_col.py 2>/dev/null && exit 1 || exit 0 @echo " --> Sharing a pin between two rows should fail..." @MICROPYPATH=tests/test_data:./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py keymaps/duplicate_row_pins.py 2>/dev/null && exit 1 || exit 0 @echo "===> The sanity checker is sane, unlike klardotsh" .submodules: .gitmodules submodules.toml @echo "===> Pulling dependencies, this may take several minutes" @git submodule sync @git submodule update --init --recursive @rsync -ah vendor/ build/ @touch .submodules .circuitpy-deps: .submodules @echo "===> Building circuitpython/mpy-cross" @pipenv run $(MAKE) -C build/circuitpython/mpy-cross @echo "===> Pulling Nordic BLE stack" @cd build/circuitpython/ports/nrf && ./drivers/bluetooth/download_ble_stack.sh 2>/dev/null >/dev/null @touch .circuitpy-deps .micropython-deps: .submodules @echo "===> Building micropython/mpy-cross" @pipenv run $(MAKE) -C build/micropython/mpy-cross @touch .micropython-deps submodules: .submodules circuitpy-deps: .circuitpy-deps micropython-deps: .micropython-deps build/micropython/ports/unix/micropython: micropython-deps build/micropython/ports/unix/modules/.kmk_frozen @pipenv run $(MAKE) -j4 -C build/micropython/ports/unix micropython-build-unix: build/micropython/ports/unix/micropython freeze-atmel-samd-build-deps: build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/.kmk_frozen freeze-nrf-build-deps: build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/freeze/.kmk_frozen freeze-stm32-build-deps: build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/.kmk_frozen build/micropython/ports/unix/modules/.kmk_frozen: upy-freeze.txt submodules.toml @echo "===> Preparing builded dependencies for local development" @rm -rf build/micropython/ports/unix/modules/* @cat upy-freeze.txt | egrep -v '(^#|^\s*$|^\s*\t*#)' | grep MICROPY | cut -d'|' -f2- | \ xargs -I '{}' cp -a {} build/micropython/ports/unix/modules/ @touch $@ build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/.kmk_frozen: upy-freeze.txt submodules.toml @echo "===> Preparing builded dependencies for bundling" @rm -rf build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/* @cat upy-freeze.txt | egrep -v '(^#|^\s*$|^\s*\t*#)' | grep CIRCUITPY | cut -d'|' -f2- | \ xargs -I '{}' cp -a {} build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/ @touch $@ build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/freeze/.kmk_frozen: upy-freeze.txt submodules.toml @echo "===> Preparing builded dependencies for bundling" @rm -rf build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/freeze/* @cat upy-freeze.txt | egrep -v '(^#|^\s*$|^\s*\t*#)' | grep CIRCUITPY | cut -d'|' -f2- | \ xargs -I '{}' cp -a {} build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/freeze/ @touch $@ build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/.kmk_frozen: upy-freeze.txt submodules.toml @echo "===> Preparing builded dependencies for bundling" @mkdir -p build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/ @rm -rf build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/* @cat upy-freeze.txt | egrep -v '(^#|^\s*$|^\s*\t*#)' | grep MICROPY | cut -d'|' -f2- | \ xargs -I '{}' cp -a {} build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/ @touch $@ circuitpy-freeze-kmk-atmel-samd: freeze-atmel-samd-build-deps @echo "===> Preparing KMK source for bundling into CircuitPython" @rm -rf build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/kmk* @rsync -ah kmk build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/ circuitpy-freeze-kmk-nrf: freeze-nrf-build-deps @echo "===> Preparing KMK source for bundling into CircuitPython" @rm -rf build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/kmk* @rsync -ah kmk build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/freeze/ micropython-freeze-kmk-stm32: freeze-stm32-build-deps @echo "===> Preparing KMK source for bundling into MicroPython" @rm -rf build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/kmk* @rsync -ah kmk build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/ circuitpy-build-feather-m4-express: @echo "===> Building CircuitPython" @pipenv run $(MAKE) -C build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd BOARD=feather_m4_express FROZEN_MPY_DIRS="modules" clean all circuitpy-build-itsybitsy-m4-express: @echo "===> Building CircuitPython" @pipenv run $(MAKE) -C build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd BOARD=itsybitsy_m4_express FROZEN_MPY_DIRS="modules" clean all circuitpy-build-nrf: @echo "===> Building CircuitPython" @pipenv run $(MAKE) -C build/circuitpython/ports/nrf BOARD=feather_nrf52832 SERIAL=${AMPY_PORT} SD=s132 FROZEN_MPY_DIR=freeze clean all circuitpy-flash-feather-m4-express: @echo "Flashing not available for Feather M4 Express over bossa right now" @echo "First, double tap the reset button on the Feather. You should see a red light near the USB port" @echo "Then, find and (if necessary) mount the USB drive that will show up (should be about 4MB)" @echo "Copy build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/build-feather_m4_express/firmware.uf2 to this device" @echo "The device will auto-reboot. You may need to forcibly unmount the drive on Linuxes, with umount -f path/to/mountpoint" circuitpy-flash-itsybitsy-m4-express: @echo "Flashing not available for ItsyBitsy M4 Express over bossa right now" @echo "First, double tap the reset button on the ItsyBitsy. You should see a red light near the USB port" @echo "Then, find and (if necessary) mount the USB drive that will show up (should be about 4MB)" @echo "Copy build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/build-itsybitsy_m4_express/firmware.uf2 to this device" @echo "The device will auto-reboot. You may need to forcibly unmount the drive on Linuxes, with umount -f path/to/mountpoint" circuitpy-flash-nrf: circuitpy-build-nrf @echo "===> Flashing CircuitPython with KMK and your keymap" @pipenv run $(MAKE) -C build/circuitpython/ports/nrf BOARD=feather_nrf52832 SERIAL=${AMPY_PORT} SD=s132 FROZEN_MPY_DIR=freeze dfu-gen dfu-flash micropython-build-pyboard: @pipenv run $(MAKE) -j4 -C build/micropython/ports/stm32/ BOARD=PYBV11 FROZEN_MPY_DIR=freeze all micropython-flash-pyboard: micropython-build-pyboard @pipenv run $(MAKE) -j4 -C build/micropython/ports/stm32/ BOARD=PYBV11 FROZEN_MPY_DIR=freeze deploy circuitpy-flash-nrf-entrypoint: @echo "===> Flashing entrypoint if it doesn't already exist" @sleep 2 @-timeout -k 5s 10s $(PIPENV) run ampy -p ${AMPY_PORT} -d ${AMPY_DELAY} -b ${AMPY_BAUD} rm main.py 2>/dev/null @-timeout -k 5s 10s $(PIPENV) run ampy -p ${AMPY_PORT} -d ${AMPY_DELAY} -b ${AMPY_BAUD} put entrypoints/feather_nrf52832.py main.py @echo "===> Flashed keyboard successfully!" ifndef USER_KEYMAP build-feather-m4-express: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 flash-feather-m4-express: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 else ifndef SKIP_KEYMAP_VALIDATION build-feather-m4-express: lint devdeps circuitpy-deps circuitpy-freeze-kmk-atmel-samd else build-feather-m4-express: lint devdeps circuitpy-deps circuitpy-freeze-kmk-atmel-samd micropython-build-unix endif @echo "===> Preparing keyboard script for bundling into CircuitPython" ifndef SKIP_KEYMAP_VALIDATION @MICROPYPATH=./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py ${USER_KEYMAP} endif @rsync -ah ${USER_KEYMAP} build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/kmk_keyboard_user.py @rsync -ah kmk/entrypoints/global.py build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/_main.py @$(MAKE) circuitpy-build-feather-m4-express flash-feather-m4-express: build-feather-m4-express circuitpy-flash-feather-m4-express endif ifndef USER_KEYMAP build-feather-nrf52832: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 flash-feather-nrf52832: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 else build-feather-nrf52832: lint devdeps circuitpy-deps circuitpy-freeze-kmk-nrf @echo "===> Preparing keyboard script for bundling into CircuitPython" @rsync -ah ${USER_KEYMAP} build/circuitpython/ports/nrf/freeze/kmk_keyboard_user.py @$(MAKE) circuitpy-build-nrf flash-feather-nrf52832: build-feather-nrf52832 circuitpy-flash-nrf circuitpy-flash-nrf-endpoint endif ifndef USER_KEYMAP build-itsybitsy-m4-express: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 flash-itsybitsy-m4-express: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 else ifndef SKIP_KEYMAP_VALIDATION build-itsybitsy-m4-express: lint devdeps circuitpy-deps circuitpy-freeze-kmk-atmel-samd else build-itsybitsy-m4-express: lint devdeps circuitpy-deps circuitpy-freeze-kmk-atmel-samd micropython-build-unix endif @echo "===> Preparing keyboard script for bundling into CircuitPython" ifndef SKIP_KEYMAP_VALIDATION @MICROPYPATH=./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py ${USER_KEYMAP} endif @rsync -ah ${USER_KEYMAP} build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/kmk_keyboard_user.py @rsync -ah kmk/entrypoints/global.py build/circuitpython/ports/atmel-samd/modules/_main.py @$(MAKE) circuitpy-build-itsybitsy-m4-express flash-itsybitsy-m4-express: build-itsybitsy-m4-express circuitpy-flash-itsybitsy-m4-express endif ifndef USER_KEYMAP build-pyboard: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 flash-pyboard: @echo "===> Must provide a USER_KEYMAP (usually from user_keymaps/...) to build!" && exit 1 else ifndef SKIP_KEYMAP_VALIDATION build-pyboard: lint devdeps micropython-deps micropython-freeze-kmk-stm32 micropython-build-unix else build-pyboard: lint devdeps micropython-deps micropython-freeze-kmk-stm32 endif @echo "===> Preparing keyboard script for bundling into MicroPython" ifndef SKIP_KEYMAP_VALIDATION @MICROPYPATH=./ ./bin/micropython.sh bin/keymap_sanity_check.py ${USER_KEYMAP} endif @rsync -ah ${USER_KEYMAP} build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/kmk_keyboard_user.py @rsync -ah kmk/entrypoints/global.py build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/_main.py @rsync -ah kmk/entrypoints/handwire/pyboard_boot.py build/micropython/ports/stm32/freeze/_boot.py @$(MAKE) AMPY_PORT=/dev/ttyACM0 AMPY_BAUD=115200 micropython-build-pyboard flash-pyboard: build-pyboard micropython-flash-pyboard endif reset-bootloader: @-timeout -k 5s 10s $(PIPENV) run ampy -p /dev/ttyACM0 -d ${AMPY_DELAY} -b ${AMPY_BAUD} run util/bootloader.py reset-board: @-timeout -k 5s 10s $(PIPENV) run ampy -p /dev/ttyACM0 -d ${AMPY_DELAY} -b ${AMPY_BAUD} run util/reset.py