# Quickpin Quickpin helps devs quickly translate pinouts between boards of similar pinouts. This lets you write a single `kb.py` that can be swapped between microcontrollers with only a single line change and less mistakes. ## Supported footprints/boards - Pro micro footprint - Sparkfun Pro micro RP2040 - Boardsource Blok - Nice!nano ## Pro micro footprint pinout ![pro micro footprint pins](./img/pro_micro_pinout.png) ## Example In this example, we are converting a Boardsource 3x4 from a hard pinned nice!nano to a controller agnostic pinout. ```python row_pins = (board.P1_15, board.P0_02, board.P0_29) col_pins = (board.P0_09, board.P0_10, board.P1_11, board.P1_13) ``` Converts to the following. Notice that `nice_nano` can be subbed for `boardsource_blok` or `sparkfun_promicro_rp2040`, or any other board sharing this pinout. ```python from kmk.quickpin.pro_micro.nice_nano import pinout as pins row_pins = (pins[16], pins[17], pins[18]) col_pins = (pins[12], pins[13], pins[14], pins[15]) ``` ## Porting from AVR pro micro An additional added convenience for translating from other firmwares with AVR pro micros has also been added to speed up porting. ```python from kmk.quickpin.pro_micro.nice_nano import pinout as pins from kmk.quickpin.pro_Micro.avr_promicro import avr row_pins = ( pins[avr['F7']], pins[avr['F6']], pins[avr['F5']], ) col_pins = ( pins[avr['B6']], pins[avr['B2']], pins[avr['B3']], pins[avr['B1']], ) ``` ## Adding boards to quickpin support Quickpin format is simply a list of pins in order of all through hole pins, going anticlockwise starting at the top left. The orientation should be with the chips facing toward you, with USB facing the top. If this isn't appliable, or otherwise is not true, it should be stated in a comment in the file. Any pin that is not addressable in software should be left as `None` to fill the space, and align pins correctly for all boards. All boards should be stored in `kmk/quickpin//boardname.py` Pro Micro RP2040 shown as an example ```python import board pinout = [ board.TX, board.RX, None, # GND None, # GND board.D2, board.D3, board.D4, board.D5, board.D6, board.D7, board.D8, board.D9, board.D21, board.MOSI, board.MISO, board.SCK, board.D26, board.D27, board.D28, board.D29, None, # 3.3v None, # RST None, # GND None, # RAW ] ```