#!/usr/bin/env micropython import sys import uos from kmk.common.keycodes import Keycodes if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Must provide a keymap to test as first argument', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(200) user_keymap_file = sys.argv[1] if user_keymap_file.endswith('.py'): user_keymap_file = user_keymap_file[:-3] # Before we can import the user's keymap, we need to wrangle sys.path to # add our stub modules. Before we can do THAT, we have to figure out where # we actually are, and that's not the most trivial thing in MicroPython! # # The hack here is to see if we can find ourselves in whatever uPy thinks # the current directory is. If we can, we need to head up a level. Obviously, # if the layout of the KMK repo ever changes, this script will need updated # or all hell will break loose. # First, hack around https://github.com/micropython/micropython/issues/2322, # where frozen modules aren't available if MicroPython is running a script # rather than via REPL sys.path.insert(0, '') if any(fname == 'keymap_sanity_check.py' for fname, _, _ in uos.ilistdir()): sys.path.extend(('../', '../upy-unix-stubs/')) else: sys.path.extend(('./', './upy-unix-stubs')) user_keymap = __import__(user_keymap_file) if hasattr(user_keymap, 'cols') or hasattr(user_keymap, 'rows'): assert hasattr(user_keymap, 'cols'), 'Handwired keyboards must have both rows and cols defined' assert hasattr(user_keymap, 'rows'), 'Handwired keyboards must have both rows and cols defined' # Ensure that no pins are duplicated in a handwire config # This is the same check done in the MatrixScanners, relying # on the __repr__ of the objects to be unique (because generally, # Pin objects themselves are not hashable) assert len(user_keymap.cols) == len({p for p in user_keymap.cols}), \ 'Cannot use a single pin for multiple columns' assert len(user_keymap.rows) == len({p for p in user_keymap.rows}), \ 'Cannot use a single pin for multiple rows' unique_pins = {repr(c) for c in user_keymap.cols} | {repr(r) for r in user_keymap.rows} assert len(unique_pins) == len(user_keymap.cols) + len(user_keymap.rows), \ 'Cannot use a pin as both a column and row' assert hasattr(user_keymap, 'keymap'), 'Must define a keymap array' assert len(user_keymap.keymap), 'Keymap must contain at least one layer' for lidx, layer in enumerate(user_keymap.keymap): assert len(layer), 'Layer {} must contain at least one row'.format(lidx) assert all(len(row) for row in layer), 'Layer {} must not contain empty rows'.format(lidx) assert all(len(row) == len(layer[0]) for row in user_keymap.keymap), \ 'All rows in layer {} must be of the same length'.format(lidx) for ridx, row in enumerate(layer): for cidx, key in enumerate(row): if key.code == Keycodes.Layers._KC_MO: assert user_keymap.keymap[key.layer][ridx][cidx] == Keycodes.KMK.KC_TRNS, \ ('The physical key used for MO layer switching must be KC_TRNS on the ' 'target layer or you will get stuck on that layer.')