from kmk.keys import FIRST_KMK_INTERNAL_KEY, KC, ModifierKey, make_key from kmk.modules import Module class CapsWord(Module): # default timeout is 8000 # alphabets, numbers and few more keys will not disable capsword def __init__(self, timeout=8000): self._alphabets = range(KC.A.code, KC.Z.code) self._numbers = range(KC.N1.code, KC.N0.code) self.keys_ignored = [ KC.MINS, KC.BSPC, KC.UNDS, ] self._timeout_key = False self._cw_active = False self.timeout = timeout make_key( names=( 'CAPSWORD', 'CW', ), on_press=self.cw_pressed, ) def during_bootup(self, keyboard): return def before_matrix_scan(self, keyboard): return def process_key(self, keyboard, key, is_pressed, int_coord): if self._cw_active and key != KC.CW: continue_cw = False # capitalize alphabets if key.code in self._alphabets: continue_cw = True keyboard.process_key(KC.LSFT, is_pressed) elif ( key.code in self._numbers or isinstance(key, ModifierKey) or key in self.keys_ignored or key.code >= FIRST_KMK_INTERNAL_KEY # user defined keys are also ignored ): continue_cw = True # requests and cancels existing timeouts if is_pressed: if continue_cw: self.discard_timeout(keyboard) self.request_timeout(keyboard) else: self.process_timeout() return key def before_hid_send(self, keyboard): return def after_hid_send(self, keyboard): return def on_powersave_enable(self, keyboard): return def on_powersave_disable(self, keyboard): return def after_matrix_scan(self, keyboard): return def process_timeout(self): self._cw_active = False self._timeout_key = False def request_timeout(self, keyboard): if self._cw_active: if self.timeout: self._timeout_key = keyboard.set_timeout( self.timeout, lambda: self.process_timeout() ) def discard_timeout(self, keyboard): if self._timeout_key: if self.timeout: keyboard.cancel_timeout(self._timeout_key) self._timeout_key = False def cw_pressed(self, key, keyboard, *args, **kwargs): # enables/disables capsword if key == KC.CW: if not self._cw_active: self._cw_active = True self.discard_timeout(keyboard) self.request_timeout(keyboard) else: self.discard_timeout(keyboard) self.process_timeout()