# Peg RGB Matrix ## What you can and cannot do with this extension: ### Can Do * Set any key's LED to be any color in a syntax very similar to your keymap * Allows specific keys to be set to OFF * Allows underglow LEDs to be a different color than per-key LEDs * Allows modifier keys to be set to a different color than alpha keys * Full split keyboard support * Change brightness of LEDs from code or using keycodes ### Cannot Do (currently in progress) * Adjust color at runtime. Currently the extension requires changes to main.py in order to make changes to your LEDs. * Animations * Change LED color based on current layer ## Keycodes Currently this extension does not support changing LEDs at runtime, as a result there are only three keycodes available to interact with this extension,those are: * `KC.RGB_TOG`. This keycode simply toggles all your LEDs on and off. * `KC.RGB_BRI`. This keycode increases the brightness of the LEDs. * `KC.RGB_BRD`. This keycode decreases the brightness of the LEDs. ## Required Libraries The following libraries must be frozen in your CircuitPython distribution or in a 'lib' folder at the root of your drive. * [Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel) * [Download .mpy versions from here](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle/releases/download/20220415/adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-7.x-mpy-20220415.zip) ## Required Changes to main.py and kb.py In order to use this extension the user must make changes to both their kb.py and main.py files. Below you will find a more comprehensive list of changes required in order to use this extension. ### kb.py It is possible your chosen board may already have these changes made, if not you will need to make these additions: The board's kb.py needs 3 fields: * LED Key Position `led_key_pos` * Much like `coord_mapping` this tells the extension where the LEDs are on your board. * Brightness Limit `brightness_limit` * Limits your brightness and may be required in order to stabilize performance. * Number of LEDs `num_pixels` * Used for calculations in order to ensure the LEDs map to the correct keys. #### Non-split Example: Below shows a simple non-split example for a board containing 48 LEDs total and 38 keys with per-key LEDs. This means we will have 10 underglow LEDs and 38 per-key LEDs. For our example we will assume (because it is most common) the underglow LEDs are connected before the per-key LEDs. Starting from 0, indexes 0-9 are all underglow, so our `led_key_pos` array starts at 10, the `led_key_pos` array always starts with the key in the upper left position on the board. Our example is wired in such a way where the positions layout naturally and each row simply increases by 1 starting at the upper left of the board. Of course if your board's LEDs are layed out different, your `led_key_pos` will need to match that layout. Underglow LEDs always appear at the end of the `led_key_pos` array, because the array always starts with per-key LEDs. ```python led_key_pos=[ 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ] brightness_limit = 1.0 num_pixels = 48 ``` #### Split Example: Below shows a 58 key split keyboard's `led_key_pos` array for a board containing 70 LEDs in total. The board has 58 keys, meaning we are left with 12 underglow LEDs total. Since the board is a split and we can assume the LEDs are mirrored, that means each half has 29 per-key LEDs and 6 underglow LEDs. Let's first focus on the left half of the board. In this example the underglow LEDs are again connected first, and this half has 6 underglow LEDs. Starting from position 0 this means 0-5 are underglow LEDs and our per-key lighting starts at 6. Our example board is wired in such a way where the left half's first per-key LED is position in the upper right corner of that half. The LEDs then incremement towards the right and follow a 'zig-zag' pattern until all are accounted for (6-34). Examining the other half (the right side) you'll notice the LEDs are connected in a similar way but mirrored. The right half's LEDs start in the upper left position of the board and increment towards the right, and then follow a 'zig-zag' pattern until all are accounted for (41-69). Underglow LEDs always appear at the end of the `led_key_pos` array, because the array always starts with per-key LEDs. ```python led_key_pos =[ 11,10,9 ,8 ,7 ,6 , 41,42,43,44,45,46, 12,13,14,15,16,17, 52,51,50,49,48,47, 23,22,21,20,19,18, 53,54,55,56,57,58, 24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 65,64,63,62,61,60,59, 34,33,32,31, 66,67,68,69, 3 ,4 ,5 , 40,39,38, 2 ,1 ,0 , 35,36,37 ] brightness_limit = 1.0 num_pixels = 70 ``` ### main.py It is possible your chosen board may already have these changes made, if not you will need to make these additions: ```python from kmk.extensions.peg_rgb_matrix import Rgb_matrix,Rgb_matrix_data,Color # ... Other code rgb_ext = Rgb_matrix(...per key color data) keyboard.extensions.append(rgb_ext) ``` Rgb_matrix extension requires one argument (`Rgb_matrix_data`), although additional arguments can be passed, here are all arguments that can be passed to Rgb_matrix: * LED Display `ledDisplay` * This is our primary and only required field, this takes a `Rgb_matrix_data` class. * Rgb_matrix_data only takes two fields: * Keys: an array of colors with a length equal to the number of keys on your keyboard * Underglow: an array of colors with a length equal to the number of underglow leds on your keyboard * Split `split` * This is an optional boolean and only to be used if the keyboard is a split. * Right Side `rightSide` * This is optional boolean only to be used if the keyboard is split. This signals that this configuration is targetting the right side (off side). * RGB Order `rgb_order` * This is optional and only needs to be set if you are not using a WS2812 based LED. * Disable Auto Write `disable_auto_write` * This is optional and only serves to make all your LEDs turn on at once instead of animate to their on state. ### Colors Colors are RGB and can be provided in one of two ways. Colors can be defined as an array of three numbers (0-255) or you can use the `Color` class with its default colors, see example below. #### Passing RGB Codes ```python Rgb_matrix_data( keys=[[255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],"""... rest of colors""" ], underglow=[[0,0,55],[0,0,55],"""... rest of colors""" ] ) ``` #### Using `Color` Class ```python Rgb_matrix_data( keys=[Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE, Color.WHITE, Color.YELLOW, Color.ORANGE,"""... rest of colors""" ], underglow=[Color.PURPLE, Color.TEAL, Color.PINK, Color.OFF,"""... rest of colors""" ] ) ``` ### Full Examples ```python rgb_ext = Rgb_matrix(ledDisplay=Rgb_matrix_data( keys=[ [255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55], [55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55], [255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55], [55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55], [255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55], [55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55], [255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55],[255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55], [255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55],[255,55,55],[55,55,55],[55,55,55],[255,55,55]], underglow=[ [0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55],[0,0,55]] ), split=True, rightSide=True, disable_auto_write=True) ``` #### Bonus Because creating `ledDisplay` can be time consuming, there is a utility avaiable that will generate a basic framework for you. ```python Rgb_matrix_data.generate_led_map(58,10,Color.WHITE,Color.BLUE) ``` Call `Rgb_matrix_data.generate_led_map` before you do any configuration beyond imports and it will print an `Rgb_matrix_data` class to your CircuitPython REPL which you can view by using a tool like "screen" or "PUTTY". Generate LED Map Arguments: * Number of Keys * Number of Underglow * Key Color * Underglow Color Example Using Above Arguments: ```python Rgb_matrix_data(keys=[[249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249], [249, 249, 249]], underglow=[[0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 255]]) ``` [Connecting to the Serial Console](https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython/kattni-connecting-to-the-serial-console)