""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ from . import ComplexCharacteristic """ `stream` ==================================================== This module provides stream characteristics that bind readable or writable objects to the Service object they are on. """ __version__ = ... __repo__ = ... class BoundWriteStream: """Writes data out to the peer.""" def __init__(self, bound_characteristic) -> None: ... def write(self, buf): # -> None: """Write data from buf out to the peer.""" ... class StreamOut(ComplexCharacteristic): """Output stream from the Service server.""" def __init__(self, *, uuid=..., timeout=..., buffer_size=..., properties=..., read_perm=..., write_perm=...) -> None: ... def bind(self, service): # -> CharacteristicBuffer | BoundWriteStream: """Binds the characteristic to the given Service.""" ... class StreamIn(ComplexCharacteristic): """Input stream into the Service server.""" def __init__(self, *, uuid=..., timeout=..., buffer_size=..., properties=..., write_perm=...) -> None: ... def bind(self, service): # -> BoundWriteStream | CharacteristicBuffer: """Binds the characteristic to the given Service.""" ...