# THIS IS OUT OF DATE. DO NOT USE. ONLY FOR REFERENCE ## Firmware of choice ### KMKPython KMKPython is a fork of CircuitPython, but with libraries for most extensions built in. This saves you from having to get them all and keep them updated yourself. There may be other features added in the future that are exclusive to KMKPython. For the nice!nano, this is highly recommended, and used in place of CircuitPython. Notable differences include - Built in libraries for Bluetooth, RGB, and more - Saves space as builds are optimized for keyboards - Microcontrollers like the nice!nano will be able to access all features out of the box. ### CircuitPython CircuitPython can be installed by following this guide using the guide for [installing circuit python](https://learn.adafruit.com/welcome-to-circuitpython/installing-circuitpython). It's recommended to run the latest stable version that is at least 5.0 or higher. Beta versions may work, but expect limited support. #### Notable differences include - Supports more devices - Less built in libraries. If using RGB, Bluetooth, and more, you will have to add these libraries yourself - Some devices such as the nice!nano don't have much free space, so not all features can be installed at the same time