# Officially supported microcontrollers
While most CircuitPython devices are great for hand wired keyboards, most
keyboards are designed to accept a Pro Micro. The boards listed below either 
are, or can be adapted to that pinout to use common keyboards already on the market.

## Nice!Nano
Features include
- Pro Micro pinout
- Both USB HID and Bluetooth support
- Can do Bluetooth split keyboards with no wires at all
- Has battery support including charging

- $25 USD per microcontroller at most retailers

### Pre-compiling KMK for Nice!Nano
Nice!Nano has limited flash memory which does not fit CircuitPython, adafruit-ble, and KMK by default. You will need to use pre-compiled KMK to get it to fit. Grab [compatible mpy-cross](https://adafruit-circuit-python.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html?prefix=bin/mpy-cross/) and run `make compile` to generate `.mpy` version of KMK files before copying them over. 

Common Retailers

## ItsyBitsy M4 Express
Features include
- Affordable at $15 USD
- Can run most features of KMK including RGB

- Needs adapted to work with Pro Micro pinout keyboards. Adapter can be found 

Common Retailers

## RP2040
Features include
- Very affordable
- Very powerful for the price

- Little support for keyboard kits

Common Retailers

## Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF52840 Express
Features include
- Both USB HID and Bluetooth support
- More affordable than the Nice!Nano at only $18

- Needs adapted to work with Pro Micro pinout keyboards. Adapter can be found
- No battery support without addon board found 

Common Retailers

## Other microcontrollers
What you'll need to have at minimum
- CircuitPython
- 256KB of flash storage
- HID over USB and/or Bluetooth.