# boot.py
`boot.py` lives in the root of your keyboard when mounted as a storage device. 
There is a more detailed explanation in the [circuit python docs](https://docs.circuitpython.org/en/latest/README.html), 
however there are some common use cases for your keyboard listed here.

## Hiding device storage
You can hide your device from showing up as a USB storage by default (this can be overridden 
at startup if desired, per the example code further down this page).


## Using your keyboard before the OS loads
You can make your keyboard work in your computer's BIOS and bootloader (useful if you dual-boot).


## Disabling serial communication
By default, you can connect to your board's serial console, which can be useful for debugging, 
but may not be desired for everyday use.

# Equivalent to usb_cdc.enable(console=False, data=False)

## Example code
Below is a fully working example, which disables USB storage, CDC and enables BIOS mode.

import supervisor
import board
import digitalio
import storage
import usb_cdc
import usb_hid

# This is from the base kmk boot.py
supervisor.set_next_stack_limit(4096 + 4096)

# If this key is held during boot, don't run the code which hides the storage and disables serial
# To use another key just count its row and column and use those pins
# You can also use any other pins not already used in the matrix and make a button just for accesing your storage
col = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP2)
row = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP13)

# TODO: If your diode orientation is ROW2COL, then make row the output and col the input

if not row.value:
    # Equivalent to usb_cdc.enable(console=False, data=False)
