| [pyboard v1.1](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2390) | STM32F405RG (Cortex M4F) | MicroPython | kdb424 | Very large and expensive, and has ram limitations. |
| [Seeed nRF52840 Micro Dev Kit](https://www.seeedstudio.com/nRF52840-Micro-Development-Kit-p-3079.html) | nRF52840 | [CircuitPython](https://github.com/KMKfw/circuitpython/tree/topic-nrf52840-mdk) | This is basically as bleeding edge as it gets. Will support BLE HID to PC as well as BLE split boards |
| [Planck rev6 Keyboard](https://olkb.com/planck) | STM32 of some sort | MicroPython | Requires porting MicroPython to STM32F3, this work has begun but I'm pretty terrible at it. |
| [Proton C Controller?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/87cw36/render_of_the_qmk_proton_c_qmkpowered_pro_micro/) | ??? | ??? | Does not exist yet, the controller from a Planck rev6 in a Pro Micro pin-compat controller chip |
| [Adafruit Feather Huzzah](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2821) | ESP8266 | CircuitPython | Suuuuuper limited on GPIO lanes, Lack USB HID (HW) |
| [Adafruit HUZZAH32](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3405) | ESP32 | MicroPython | This may work as a BLE HID device, or with a GPIO-based USB breakout. Lacks USB HID (HW) |
| [Adafruit Feather nRF52 BLE Controller](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3406) | nRF52832 | CircuitPython | Lacks USB HID (HW), but could be fixed with GPIO USB breakout. BLE HID should be possible, but it's considered somewhat unstable. This chip is considered "mostly unsupported" in CircuitPython at the time of writing. |